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lol- fallout 3 hilarious findings


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During my last playthrough, Bryan Wilkes was a perfect decoy for dealing with an MMM-bolstered Raider Camp at the S.D.Mart. He come trotting over the hill, and all 15+ Raiders open up on him. A few get blown up by the cars that they shot up in their haste to get the invincible kid, and the rest I'm able to snipe from behind as they chase him down the street. Heheheh.
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One funny thing that I saw was in Rivet City. For some reason unbeknowenced (sp?) to me, I decided to go on a murderous rampage (boredom setting in - don't ever give me a gun. Hehe... JK).


Anyways, I started in the Market, and I was doing fairly well... Until I hear an explosion that was like a car exploding. Then it dawned on we as to what it was: A Fat Man. So, I look down towards the other end of the Market, and then the explosion happens again, along with a lowering frames that is consistent with clutter flying all over inside. Then, I see Flak (from Flak and Shrapnel's) holding a Fat Man. For some reason, he was shooting at Harkness (who couldn't die yet - part of a quest). Then, the idiot thought it would be a good idea to shoot at me from point-blank range, killing himself, everyone in the Market (as they had clustered around me) and of course, me.

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F.Scott Key Trail & Campground

and found a wagon with supplies inside with a schematic. When I walked out there was a Death Claw waiting for me, he chased me back into the wagon. Since he was too big he just ran around outside back and forth as I shot him with a lazer pistol. Slowly killing him.


Another time was when I was first going to GNR and ran into a group of Raiders with a group of Outcasts following behind. As I got close the raiders were frozen in place hovering off the ground with their arms out. They didn't do anything so i killed them but when i killed them a dead body spawned of them a few feet away with them still floating there. 0_o


My most favorite time is when I was upgrading equipment of civilians in megaton. Gave the guy outside asking for water vault 101 cop armor and helmet, The power of atom preacher a party hat and Moria a bonnet. Then I came upon the sheriff, I thought he could use a few nades and mines, but when i gave him the stuff and back off he said "Oh sh--!" and blew up. D:

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When I was level 3 in my first playthrough I was walking about near the minefield for the craterside supply quest. I ran round a house to avoid Arkansas. Bad move. There was a deathclaw round the corner who said "hi" with claws (of death). So I ran as fast as a man would if he was on fire. I suddenly heard fzzts, looked round and saw outcasts were getting munched by the 'claw. I turned round and tried to help them. Dead. Arkansas headshotted me. Such a cheap tactic :biggrin:
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despite three dogs warning i was scavenging in the downtown ruins when i came upon a door and decided to investigate it. Inside it seemed like a doctors office except it was full of blood and ... plungers. They were everywhere, on the walls, attached to Mannequin faces, in rows and various other positions. there wasnt much in the room so i left wondering just what really happened in there.
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I got A3-21's Plasma Rifle pretty recently. It's awesome! However, something strange happened the other day with it...


I was playing, getting used to my new 28" monitor (overkill, I know -_-), and I was used to concentrating on a 19" section. So, I wasn't paying attention to the compass and the enemy recognition, when I suddenly hear footsteps coming up behind me. I turn around and see a Yao Guai. It hits me a couple of times before I activate VATS. I target it, and then shoot. Something must have glitched, because after the animation plays, the body hits the ground, and then bounces at least a kilometer in the air, and over the ridges by Vault 101 (I was in Springvale). So, I go after it.


When I get over the ridge, I see a raider, and then WHAM! The Yao Guai's body lands on him and kills him. I almost fell out of my chair, I was laughing so hard.

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When I get over the ridge, I see a raider, and then WHAM! The Yao Guai's body lands on him and kills him. I almost fell out of my chair, I was laughing so hard.


Flying bears?!


The worst I've had for flying animals were molerats and raiders, but BEARS?!

Now we are surely doomed!

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Once I was attacked by two Deathclaws outside the Regulator HQ. I killed one of them but then the other one jumped up in the air and... never came down. It flew straight up and vanished into the sky. It still showed up on my radar and everything, I just couldn't see it. After leaving the area and then returning, it had returned to ground level again.


But the absolutely weirdest thing I've ever seen was when I shot a raider female and something apparently went wrong with her ragdoll effect. As she fell to the ground, her body was drawn out into a long, multi-segmented line that started flying through the air will spinning wildly in every direction. It kinda looked like a large flying scribble. She kept flying around, sometimes moving outside of my visual range and then returning. I couldn't get close enough to loot her and she wouldn't go away. It was pretty freaky.

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