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lol- fallout 3 hilarious findings


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Fawkes & me in Big Town. Saving Red. Train the villagers with Small Guns. Muties are coming, everyone rush to the bridge.

I take position in the house left of the bridge to be able to snipe the muties. Hell breaks lose, everyone is shooting - ofc with very little effect. Red still have the Enclave Power armor I gave in rescue mission and is doing great with a Chinesse Assult Rifle.


Then the dumbass Fawkes notice the muties and pulls his gatling laser. He was in my back - of course. I take friendly fire from that stupid gatling. I crouch. Useless. I try to turn around and TALK to idiot. All I get is "pickpocket Fawkes" option... and the gatling is slowly eating my HP bar. I smash the VATS key and I desperatly try to remember when I did my last save.


Heh, when I left Germantown Police HQ. Screw it!

I blow Fawkes head off with 2 shots.

All town turn hostile.

WTF?? I can kill my own mutie, can I?

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Not really a finding, but a happening.


Ok, Broken Steel. Inside the mobile base, and I got the Chinese Stealth Armor on and the Deathclaw Gauntlet on (Tight spaces + that blasted new Enclave Armor = Deathclaw hotkeyed). So anyway, I'm poking around the first floor, seeing what there is to see. Few work benches, a dead robot or two, nothing really special. Then I look over to the far side and I see a Holofield and a sign that says "High Security Personnel" or something. So I creep over there and the alarms start sounding. Great, lvl 30 Enclave. Turns out it was Sigma Squad. Supposed to be the elite of the elite. Oh crap right?


They run right past me.


So what do I do as the Messiah of the Wasteland? I fillet them and deck the halls of the mobile base with their entrails. Now, you're probably wondering "Why is this funny?". Well think of it. A squad of like ten of the most highly trained, best geared Enclave soldiers, the elite of the elite, getting stalked and butchered by a 19 year old Vault girl in an antique suit of light stealth armor with a taxadermied hand for a weapon held together by a medical brace and superglue.


Looks like Eden needed to train his troops better.

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well one thing i found was when i travelled through the wasteland, suddenly everywhere landed Alien power cells WTF???? i know its not funny, and u wont believe me, but i swear it's true!!!!

and the whole Mr. Lopez thing in Rivet city: anyone played Shivering Isles the oblivion Add-on? :P

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the power cells thing is a random event. usually it happens twice, once near an actuall ufo crash site where you will find the alien blaster, and again at any random event location.. the 2nd time around it not only drops power cells but one of the most pwn crit weapons in the game "the firelance" if you have dogmeat.. send him to the area and have em search for weapons.. he'll bring it right to you. otherwise finding the firelance is going to be a pain. as for the powercells. fast forward to night time. they glow in the dark and are much easier to find.


As for my wierd finding.. i was east of megaton scavaging and ran across a ghoul and human wastelander shooting at each other over a fridge packed with purified water. after the ghoul won i tried to cut a deal with him but he wouldn't have it.. so i blew his head off and took the water.

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lol. sorry man. maybe you have a recent save file you can rollback on or somethin? or maybe the cells and firelance are still out there. and... if you truly want the weapon regardless of ingame possibilities.. i can give you the console command for it.
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Had a pair of happenings in my last session...


1) Coming out of the Yao Guai Tunnels after a successful spelunking expedition (took a lot of frag grenades and mines, and I was barely holding out at 1/4 life), I'm sitting crouched outside the gate for a short breather when I see the decapitated head of a mole rat come rolling down the incline to come to a rest at my feet. My guess is a random corpse-launch from loading the cell, but the trajectory was perfect... I ended up creeping out of the cave entrance, afraid that there was a Deathclaw on a mole rat-killing rampage out there, or something.


2) Still extremely low on health (I try and keep from just spamming StimPaks to full health when in combat, or even in an occupied area until after I've cleared all threats and can "take time" to heal up... and, in this case, I simply forgot to use any stims since I left the Yao Guai Tunnels), I exit Lucky's Shop to meet a quad of Talon Co. mercs... I try and swap to my last dozen 'nades while simultaneously attempting to sprint around the corner to get a little breathing room and I get stuck on something along the side of the building. A few more wasted moments of trying to move and I'm finallly cut down by the combined onslaught automatic fire and 12ga rounds.


The funny part is what I figured out AFTER reloading that AutoSave a few times until I could finally finish them off with VATS grenade kills... You can't run around the back of the building. About 3/4 of the way around, you run into the invisible wall that surrounds the Capital Wasteland's map. Try as hard as I might, there was no way I could have sought refuge around that corner. And, to add insult to injury, while listening to "Warning...warning...warning...warning... Pipboy shutting down." ('Talking User Interface' mod) and looking down at my mangled corpse, I could see the rain begin to fall. (I've had 'Enhanced Weather - Rain' running for days now, and I've yet to see a single drop, except for that single moment while staring at my own corpse. GAH.)

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about 4 months ago i ran across a cell in fallout 3 used for dev testing. it had 3 rows of test npcs standing still... so... i spawned a couple deathclaws and watched havoc unfold.. what's amazing is the cell is just a small room not connected to anything,even the doorways are not finished.. and when an npc runs off the unfinished level it just warps back.. so it was funny trying to see them run out of the room only to spawn back at the door..god i am so evil..lol
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So if anyones been to the Red Racer Factory lately, you'll notice its full of ghouls.


While not uncommon in itself, after some scouting and introducing the ghouls to the Lambert Carbine (THANK YOU SKREE!!!!!)

I go to search the ghoul and I hear *beep* SPLAT!!!


The ghouls head randomly explodes off his body haha.


So I was wtf?


Turns out its all part of some crazy experiment some guy called "The Surgen" was running in the factory.


But smashing fun time killing them and then watching their faces pop haha.


Oh fallouts gore is just great :) :)

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