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new follower npc

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Its doable to apply a preset to a NPC at least the LE version. Here on SSE they re-wrote some code in the Racemenu mod and my process didnt work here, so IDK if they perhaps changed it since I tried, but last I know of, you cant do this in SE, specifically the workaround I used to make them keep the custom look upon reload


Assuming whathisname axed that ability, you will want to make a follower in the CK. Use the preset on yourself then in console go "spf abcdefwhatever" and a .npc file of that name appears in your install folder. Also export your face in racemenu. You will need that as facegen for the NPC. Rename the mesh and dds to reflect the NPCs ID. Apply the .npc file in the CK, mainly for tinting match, and more or less make sure you are pointing their faceparts to the right records and you can have a follower now with that look. Pain in the ass right? Yeah the scripted way is better but again, Id have to test on SE but gonna go on a limb here and bet he took that capability away on purpose

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