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Vampire game freeze conundrum!


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I need my own personal Van Helsing.


I'm having an issue whereby encountering vampires, totally freezes my game, requiring a hard task manager kill.


I can enter a dung/cave/building that contains vampires, so long as I am stealthed. However, if I am upright and visible, it just freezes towards the end of loading into that game cell.


While stealthed, I can approach and even kill some vampires and their thralls, but others will cause the game to freeze solid. I can usually encounter no more than one or two vamps before the game locks up. Sometimes it'll be the very first one I see.


My stealth skill is double legendary, and fully spec'd, as well as having stealth armour enchants. I'm pretty much invisible unless I touch somebody. So unless I misunderstand how the game functions, I don't think it's a detection issue.


The only mod I have that directly effects Vamps, is BD's armor replacer mod, which changes their default clothing. Besides that, I have a few scripted "adult" mods, that effect every in-game character in one way or another, but other than that, no special vampire replacers, or behavior changers and these "grown up" mods work fine on everyone and everything else.


The game is otherwise very stable. I can run any non-vampire infested dungeon without issue. It's just this one frustrating bug that I cannot solve.


I've tried using loot through MO2 and manually rearranging the load order. I've also removed several buggy mods and started a new playthrough. Still it persists.


Any stake-weilding mod geniuses out there able to help? It'd be MUCH appreciated.



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