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mods wont let skyrim load up please help


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I just got Skyrim and all the mods that I need, I used Nexus Modloader to install them. when I went to start up the game it only goes to the Bethesda logo but right after that in just closes out.


I think that it something with the mods that not letting me play, because i disabled all my mods and it works fine.


if anyone can help me figure out this problem i'd really appreciate it

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I just got Skyrim and all the mods that I need, I used Nexus Modloader to install them. when I went to start up the game it only goes to the Bethesda logo but right after that in just closes out.


I think that it something with the mods that not letting me play, because i disabled all my mods and it works fine.


if anyone can help me figure out this problem i'd really appreciate it


sounds like you're a beginner. I myself got started on the mods a month or so ago and have learned a lot since then, through both watching how to videos on youtube, and just good old fashioned trial and error (including four clean uninstall/reinstalls, two of which turned out to be entirely unnecessary). I'd keep it to a smaller handful of mods at first, and as tedious as it may seem, invest in the time it takes to learn about NMM load orders, BOSS, and TES5Edit--there are some good how-to videos on youtube. Trust me, it is worth it in the long run. Also, you'll eventually want to pick up Wrye Bash, which will help you even more with the mods- just today, I had a menu crash much like yours, for no apparent reason, and it turned out to be because one of my mods had an update, and the update changed the name of the mod's main file, and it screwed up all my saved games because they were trying to read the file by the name it had before the update- without Wrye Bash, I would not have been able to solve the problem; even BOSS didn't pick up on it. Little things like that are why you want to to learn the process and really get a handle on it. BOSS, TES5Edit, and Wrye Bash are all available in the "utilities" category, and in my opinion are best downloaded manually and put in their own separate folders (oh yeah, and handling manual downloads is also something you'll want to learn about if you really want to master the process--some mods are best done through NMM but others are better off being dealt with manually--others still only CAN be done manually). Best thing to do in the beginning is accept that you may not be playing the awesome heavily modded Skyrim of your dreams quite as soon as you wish you might :-)


BUT, if you're really eager to just get your modded game going asap, your most likely bet at the moment is to look at the plugins window on Nexus Mod Manager (that's the smaller window on the left with the check boxes), and click on each item, and look to the right of the item and you'll see the file(s) that item depends on (a good chunk of them only depend on skyrim.esm, or skyrim.esm and update.esm) So, of course, make sure update.esm is right under skyrim.esm (which, of course, is at the very top of the list). If you have Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Hearthfire, put them next on the list. After that, the key is to look at each item and make sure that ANY ITEM IT DEPENDS ON IS ABOVE IT. Meaning, if you click on "When Vampires Attack" you will seem "skyrim.esm, update.esm", and "dawnguard.esm" to the right... the When Vampires Attack file needs to be BELOW all three of those. If it is higher up on the list than dawnguard, your game won't work because it needs Dawnguard to be loaded first in order for it to be loaded, not the other way around. Does that make sense? Try it, and if you're still having problems, severely cut down the number of mods you're using at first and ease your way in 2-3 new mod installs at a time. Good luck!

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I just got Skyrim and all the mods that I need, I used Nexus Modloader to install them. when I went to start up the game it only goes to the Bethesda logo but right after that in just closes out.


I think that it something with the mods that not letting me play, because i disabled all my mods and it works fine.


if anyone can help me figure out this problem i'd really appreciate it


sounds like you're a beginner. I myself got started on the mods a month or so ago and have learned a lot since then, through both watching how to videos on youtube, and just good old fashioned trial and error (including four clean uninstall/reinstalls, two of which turned out to be entirely unnecessary). I'd keep it to a smaller handful of mods at first, and as tedious as it may seem, invest in the time it takes to learn about NMM load orders, BOSS, and TES5Edit--there are some good how-to videos on youtube. Trust me, it is worth it in the long run. Also, you'll eventually want to pick up Wrye Bash, which will help you even more with the mods- just today, I had a menu crash much like yours, for no apparent reason, and it turned out to be because one of my mods had an update, and the update changed the name of the mod's main file, and it screwed up all my saved games because they were trying to read the file by the name it had before the update- without Wrye Bash, I would not have been able to solve the problem; even BOSS didn't pick up on it. Little things like that are why you want to to learn the process and really get a handle on it. BOSS, TES5Edit, and Wrye Bash are all available in the "utilities" category, and in my opinion are best downloaded manually and put in their own separate folders (oh yeah, and handling manual downloads is also something you'll want to learn about if you really want to master the process--some mods are best done through NMM but others are better off being dealt with manually--others still only CAN be done manually). Best thing to do in the beginning is accept that you may not be playing the awesome heavily modded Skyrim of your dreams quite as soon as you wish you might :-)


BUT, if you're really eager to just get your modded game going asap, your most likely bet at the moment is to look at the plugins window on Nexus Mod Manager (that's the smaller window on the left with the check boxes), and click on each item, and look to the right of the item and you'll see the file(s) that item depends on (a good chunk of them only depend on skyrim.esm, or skyrim.esm and update.esm) So, of course, make sure update.esm is right under skyrim.esm (which, of course, is at the very top of the list). If you have Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Hearthfire, put them next on the list. After that, the key is to look at each item and make sure that ANY ITEM IT DEPENDS ON IS ABOVE IT. Meaning, if you click on "When Vampires Attack" you will seem "skyrim.esm, update.esm", and "dawnguard.esm" to the right... the When Vampires Attack file needs to be BELOW all three of those. If it is higher up on the list than dawnguard, your game won't work because it needs Dawnguard to be loaded first in order for it to be loaded, not the other way around. Does that make sense? Try it, and if you're still having problems, severely cut down the number of mods you're using at first and ease your way in 2-3 new mod installs at a time. Good luck!


thanks so much finally got it now

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