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Ending the tyranny of the sun forever (willing to pay for it)


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I know I've created a similar topic before, but that was with a few demands I don't care about anymore, all I care about now is a mod that ends the tyranny of the sun forever.

I've noticed that only a few others share my wishes, which I find really strange, because it really limits alot of the fun in playing as a vampire/vampire lord. There must be a way to end the tyranny of the sun forever, one way or another, because I've come across a mod that makes it eternal night, although that had some flaws like disappearing when fast traveling or enter and exit a house. I'm willing to pay for a mod that ends the tyranny of the sun forever, IF it has no flaws.

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The spell mod i wrote isn't enough anymore by just casting it as a spell? I had the duration originally set to an hour, you could likely open it up in CK and change the duration of the spell z2013mjhDarknessSpell to like 10 million days.


It should theoretically keep the sun blotted out "forever", but it might get effected by a script or a trigger using a ForceWeather or FW command.


You could use the console to force the weather to the visual effect of the Eclipse, however it probably wouldn't grant the same benefits as either shooting the arrow at the sun or using my spell.

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Does that spell has the same effect as the original ending of the tyranny of the sun? If the spell is eternal night or makes you able to make it night at random times, that makes it a bit unrealistic, so I wasn't so sure about it.

Is there any way to disable those scripts and triggers that can effect it?

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Does that spell has the same effect as the original ending of the tyranny of the sun? If the spell is eternal night or makes you able to make it night at random times, that makes it a bit unrealistic, so I wasn't so sure about it.

Is there any way to disable those scripts and triggers that can effect it?

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Yes my spell in the mod I supplied you with when you first asked mimics the effects of the eclipse to benefit vampires.


Its not eternal night, its the DLC1Eclipse effect, which can happen during day or night.


As far as I can say, There's really no way to 100% for sure disable all those script triggers without having to rewrite any script that triggers the weather, then you have to worry about order scripts that affect the weather too.


The spell I have farengar though will allow you to recast it as needed fairly effortlessly.


However, I could be wrong as I'm thinking off assumptions replying using.my.phone while at work.

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What I have gathered by experiecing with the Auriel's Bow and Bloodcursed Arrows is that the effect replaces any weathers in any region thus meaning that if you use the spell and it goes on forever you won't get rain/snowstorms anymore + special weathers like in the Soul Cairn and Sovngarde are replaced too... Also I have this mod that changes the effect to last for full day ending at nightfall and this gives me enough time to do what I have to do in daytime. Also as I use Brehanin's Better Vampires mod that allows me to add damage to vampires while in sunlight ( I use slight option as if some npc forces the talk screen to pop while in sunlight I might still have enough time to save my character from burning into ash as at even 1.8k healthpool that sun damage will take me down 15 secs while slight (not tested the hardcore on the new 6.31 version)).

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SeraphimKensai: Does the spell last up to 14 in-game hours (5:00 am to 7:00 pm) and do you need to cast the spell at the sun or just up in the air like fast healing, oakflesh etc.?


Jellona: That's sucks if it changes the weather in sovngarde and soul cairn, that definitely makes it less worth it. Although would it be possible to add the mod after sovngarde and soul cairn is complete and removing it when you go there? Wouldn't mind removing weather like rain or snowstorms though, as long as the eclipse is there.

Edited by Simniac
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SeraphimKensai: Does the spell last up to 14 in-game hours (5:00 am to 7:00 pm) and do you need to cast the spell at the sun or just up in the air like fast healing, oakflesh etc.?


my spell can be cast just like a regular spell so you don't need to aim at the sun, can be even used indoors. I guess I've never tested the length to see the actual number of hours (which is fairly changeable) but last time I had it set up it seemed the effect lasted a full day or so.

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