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[WIP/Brain Storming] Rikiaz's TESV:Skyrim Overhaul


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This is just a place for me to list my brainstormings and get some feed back on them. I have not started implementing anything yet so it may still be a while before an actual release.


I'm aiming for this overhaul to be in the same vein as Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, what I mean by that is, I will be overhauling almost the entire game. But it won't feel that different than vanilla. There will be hand placed loot. It will be harder to be overpowered, especially when it comes to crafting.


Do not think that I mean to say I think it will be as popular or nearly as good as OOO. That would be giving myself impossibly huge shoes to fill. Also this mod/mods are going to be what MY perfect Skyrim is like. I am up to criticism and suggestions but in the end this mod is for me and anyone who wants there Skyrim to be similar to mine.


Also I will be trying to get some other mods implemented into mine.


So far Heavy Armory will be fully integrated and upgraded with enchanted weapons, perks, and such.


I am also going to ask for Cloaks of Skyrim, Unique Uniques, Insanity Sorrows mods, and some other armor and weapon mods.


I will be asking permission to make integration and compatibility patches for the following; Skyrim Immersive Creatures, Monster Mod (Reborn), and Enai Siaion's magic mods.


If you have any other mods you would like to suggest I will be willing to look at them and, if I like them, asking the original author for permission.


Now on to my ideas so far. Some ideas may be inspired by other mods such as SkyRe, Requiem, OOO ect but nothing will be stolen from those mods.


Racial changes; I want race to actually matter, but I still want all races to be viable for all roles, though some might have to work slightly harder. Each race gets one once a day power and a few passives (Khjiit still get a night eye lesser power.)
(Some scale for numbers for reference; these are not the exact values that races will get. Numbers are not decided yet.)
H/M/S---Regen---Move Speed---Bonus to damage/spell cost reduction/ect.
200------200%----110%-----------10% < Absolute max
150------150%----107%----------- 7% < Higher
125------125%----105%----------- 5% < Slightly higher
100------100%----100%----------- 0% < Average
90------ 90%---- 98%----------- 5% < Slightly lower
75------ 75%---- 95%----------- 7% < Lower
50------ 50%---- 90%-----------10% < Absolute lowest for a starting attribute
> Altmer:
Magicka: Very High Health: Low Stamina: Low Carry Weight: Low Magicka regen: High Stamina regen: Low
Speed: Slightly lower
Starting spells: Oakflesh, Flare* (Novice level Firebolt), Fury, Healing, Conjure Familiar
Racial Powers: Highborn; Regenerate magicka much faster and spells cost no magicka once a day.
Racial Passive: Weakness to Magicka, Resist Disease, Spells cost less to cast.
> Breton:
Magicka: Very High Health: Slightly Low Stamina: Slightly Low Carry Weight: Slightly Low Magicka regen: Higher Stamina regen: About average, maybe a little low Speed: Average
Starting spells: Oakflesh, Healing, Lesser Ward, Calm, Conjure Familiar, Raise Dead, Summon Skeleton*
Racial Powers: Dragonflesh; Absorb spells and gain armor once a day.
Racial Passive: Resist magic, Spells cost slightly less to cast
> Bosmer:
Magicka: Average Health: Very slightly lower Stamina: Slightly higher Carry Weight: slightly lower Magicka regen: average Stamina regen: Higher Speed: Slightly higher
Starting spells: Conjure Familiar
Racial Powers: Beast Tongue; Command animal once a day.
Racial Passive: Very High Resistance to Poison and Disease, Bows do slightly more damage.
> Dunmer:
Magicka: Slightly Higher Health: Average Stamina: Average Carry Weight: Average Magicka regen: Slightly Higher Stamina regen: Average Speed: Very Slightly higher
Starting spells: Ash Bolt* (Ash Spawn fire bolt)
Racial Powers: Ancestor's Wrath: Flame Cloak once a day.
Racial Passive: Very High Resistance to Fire, Fire Spells are slightly stronger, Frost spells are slightly weaker
> Imperial:
Magicka: Average Health: Average Stamina: Average Carry Weight: Above average Magicka regen: Very Slightly Higher Stamina regen: Alightly Higher Speed: Average
Starting spells: Healing
Racial Powers: Voice of the Emperor; PBAOE calm once a day.
Racial Passive: Prices are slightly better.
> Nord:
Magicka: Lower Health: Higher Stamina: Higher Carry Weight: Higher Magicka regen: Lower Stamina regen: Higher Speed: Slightly Higher
Starting spells: Hand of Frost* (Touch range frost damage)
Racial Powers: Battle Cry; PBAOE Fear once a day.
Racial Passive: High Resistance to Frost
> Orc:
Magicka: Very Low Health: very High Stamina: Higher Carry Weight: Very High Magicka regen: Very Low Stamina regen: Slightly Higher Speed: Slightly Lower
Starting spells: None
Racial Powers: Beserk Charge; Double damage done by melee weapons and increased speed once a day.
Racial Passive: Slight Resistance to Magic, Orcish Smithing Perk by default.
> Argonian:
Magicka: Average Health: Very Slighly Lower Stamina: Very Slightly Higher Carry Weight: Average Magicka regen: Slightly Lower Stamina regen: Higher Speed: Higher
Starting spells: Hist Healing* (Damge health then heal a much higher amount over time)
Racial Powers: Histskin; Regenerate health extremely fast.
Racial Passive: Regenerate health faster Immune to Disease and Poison, Waterbreathing
> Khajiit:
Magicka: Average Health: Average Stamina: Very High Carry Weight: Slightly Lower Magicka regen: Slightly Lower Stamina regen: Higher Speed: Much Higher
Starting spells: None
Racial Powers: Night Eye
Racial Passive: Sneaking is slightly better, Claws; Unarmed damage is higher and gets a higher sneak critical
> Redguard:
Magicka: Lower Health: Average Stamina: Very High Carry Weight: Average Magicka regen: Slightly Lower Stamina regen: Very High Speed: Much Higher
Starting spells: Spirit Sword* (Bound Scimitar with no enchantments.
Racial Powers: Adrenaline Rush; Stamina is unlimited and run faster once a day.
Racial Passive: Very High Resistance to disease, One-handed Swords do more damage if nothing is in the Off-Hand and slightly more damage if Dual Wielding Swords.
(* denotes new spell)
Unique items; Unique items will not be disenchantable and will have unique enchantments. Idealy they will be useful but not overpowered at any level. I will take suggestions for enchantments but I will not spoil them when I finally choose.


Artifacts; Artifacts will be much more powerful. They will be slightly stronger than maximized crafted items but will have more special and niche uses.


New Unique items; I will add items from Oblivion and Morrowind. These items might be sold in a shop, found in random loot, or self-placed locations.


New (Old) Artifacts; Some artifacts from Oblivion and Morrowind might be added if I can find good models and textures to use. If anyone can make some of these or direct me to already existing ones I will see if I can get permission.


A ton of new spells will be added to make the spell system feel more like Morrowind and Oblivion. I will ask Enai Siaion if I can make a patch to add hand placed Apocalypse spells, and spells from his verse mods, and to add them to specific enemies and leveled lists. I will also see about making a patch to make spells for SIC and MoMod.


Enchanting. Enchanting will be much weaker. And less exploitable. Enchantments will be availible on less pieces of armor so you can have multiple different enchantments but can't stack the same once as much.


Pre-enchanted Loot; Loot found with enchantments will be more useful. There will be some enchanted items you cannot make yourself. Also weapon type and material will determine the strength of enchantments.


Alchemy and potions; All potions and poisons will work over time. There will be some stronger, quicker potions and some weaker but longer lasting ones. There will be some uniquely named potions too. Unique potions will be craftable at a new crafting station.


Cooking and food; Food will restore stamina (for meat/bread) and magicka (fruit and vegetables) as well as provide a few bonuses based on the food eaten, but only if eaten outside of combat. There will be support for Hearthfire.


Smithing changes; All items to will require schematics for the equipment type, a book on forging for the style of smithing (Orcish, Elvish, ect) and will also require the correct smithing perks.



I'll post some perks later.

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