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New Vegas Working List of Mods


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Hello there,


Wondering if there is a List of Mods for New Vegas that is in the same vein as STEP for Skyrim or TOTP that was for Oblivion.

I am just coming back to New Vegas and looking for a compiled, complete mod list that works together.

I used Arwen's as a base last time but her mod list doesn't seem to be going anymore.

Can anyone give us a link or advice...much appreciated.

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I would also be interested. I heard recommendations for nVamp/FOOK/IWS/PN/XFO, but so far I haven't got them working together right. Some of the projects haven't been updated in a while, so who knows if they're still compatible.


My personal goal is a collection of mods that change the experience enough to improve replayability, and reduce bugs (or at least don't increase bugs).

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Thanks LT...unfortunately NVEC is enhanced content and doesn't really address textures. Although it looks awesome, it seems also incredibly overpowered and not very realistic.

I think I would use the Mission Mohave unofficial patch instead and then look at enhanced content....

I did find a list here but it is very incomplete though at least it is dated to end of march this year: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/forums/showthread.php?10108-Fallout-Mod-Vegas-Modding-New-Vegas-in-2013


The other advise I have found is to follow Gophers List on You Tube.


I hope this helps anybody but it is annoying there is no list like STEP or TOTP. I guess FONV was never as popular.

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I guess FONV was never as popular.

Well duh.


Anyway, as for what mods to install, here's what I have:


Quests and Adventure Mods:

New Vegas Bounties I

New Vegas Bounties II

The Inheritance


The above three were all made by the same guy, someguy2000, who's definitely one of the big-time modders out there. He really makes some fantastic mods.



Goodsprings Filler: Makes Goodsprings a little more filled out with a few more NPCs and homes.

New Vegas Uncut mod series - Pretty much restores a lot of content cut from the game. If you can only choose one, then I definitely recommend New Vegas Uncut - Outside Bets.

NPC Project - Freeside - Adds a ton more NPCs to Freeside. Do note that this mod will conflict with the New Vegas Uncut - Freeside mod. I use the NPC Project version since it's a lesser performance hit than the New Vegas Uncut version.

NPC Project - Aerotech Office Park - More refugees in this area.

NPC Project - Bitter Springs - More refugees in this area.

Populated Casinos - I hated the fact that practically most of the casinos were empty. It also didn't jive with the game lore either. So this helps in both regards.


Gameplay Effects and Changes:

CASM - Pretty much a better save system for Fallout. Considering how often FNV can crash, you really want to have this mod.

Dead Money - No Collar Explosion and No Poison Cloud Damage: Made that DLC a lot more fun, not easy but fun, during my second and third run through of that DLC.

Project Nevada: Improves the game in so many ways to the point where I can't imagine not having this mod.


Visual Mods:

Fallout New Vegas Redesigned 2: I'm assuming that Obsidian didn't have the time to actually to make decent looking NPCs due to the game's relatively short development time. The author of this mod had more time than Obsidian and usd the same GECK tool to makes the NPCs look more natural, more fitting, and just better looking in general.

- Download and install any of the mods (I didn't bother with the flora one) mentioned in this video. Better weather, better textures for almost everything in the environment, and some added lighting just make the gameworld feel and look better. I also recommend watching the rest of the Fallout New Vegas Mod Clinic videos for tips on installation of the some of the better mods in the game. Do note that the better textures means more resources is used by the game. But the better overall feel and look of the game makes it worthwhile.

Weapon Retexture Project - WRP: Simply put, the textures for the in-game guns are crap. Again due to Obsidian's time constraints. This mod makes the in-game guns look so good that I have only wanted to download three weapon mods (really wanted a M110, Steyr Aug A3, and Magpul ACR) for FNV. I also recommend checking out that author's profile for more downloads as sometimes he's a bit slow adding newer retextures to the pack and he provides a lot of different other guns to the game like the AK-47, AN-94, etc.


Other visual mods that I'm too lazy to write about:

CLO Custom Lighting Overlay - I recommend using just the Custom Lightning II.esp

Darker Nights - Brighter Lights - Use only the DM More Lights.esp

DOF Depth of Field I recommend only the Depth of Viev IE Gentler.esp

Interior Lighting Overhaul

Nights are Darker - FNV - DLC


Companion Mods:

Willow - A Better Companion Experience

Cyan - Raider Girl

Melissa Lewis Companion

Sunny Smiles Companion

Wendy Gilbert Companion

Unlimited Companions Updated


Yes I don't like to be alone when wandering the wastes. :p



4GB Fallout New Vegas - With all of the mods you're installing, the game won't be able to handle all of that as is. Hence this mod.

NVSE - Allows for more scripting options in the game. A lot of the above mods I mentioned need this mod.

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