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Making Greenhouse Maps


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I've finally decided that I just need to make my own Greenhouse design. I feel like I've played all the mods currently on Nexus and know what I want.


What tutorials do people like for learning how to do this with Tiled? I've never used it before and I'm not understanding the wiki modding page.


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In addition to the Discord link -- which is an important resource since most of the active and helpful modding community is on Discord -- once you have set up Tiled itself, the first thing you should do is unpack the vanilla game files. That will give you access to all the maps and their tilesheets so you can open them in Tiled and start playing with them.


It's definitely doable and you'll be off making the maps of your dreams once you get the hang of it, but there's an experimental phase of trying to figure out how they're put together that's still pretty important. The Maps page is long overdue for an overhaul to make it more organized and digestible, but it's still accurate and good as a reference (for example the Basic concepts section that explains what the different layers are for). If there's a specific part you're stuck on at that point, it'll be easier for other people to help with.


Not many people check these forums, though.

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