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What's with the naked guy...?

Michael The Wise

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I was heading back from a quest today, and passed a guy in only his loincloth by the side of the road...


He said he had been duped by a witch who robbed him blind (ya think?)


I agreed to help him find his beloved axe she took, and he followed me to town...


Now I have teleported through the help of the Mages Guild back to Balmora...and he's still here...I can't shake him off...I know I agreed to help him, but where is the witch so I can get rid of him...


I heard someone say you can dive into the water...and if they follow you, they will drown...but that's a little cruel, isn't it?

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Ahh, the naked Nord. A unique subspecies of the normal Nord, more prone to being naked as well as being drunk, surly and in Latino lover mode. Any witch or witch-hunter with a bit of moxy can con or charm their way to a naked Nord. If you ever find another naked Nord, make sure to follow the gentleman's directions. Oh, and get the Better Bodies mod.
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