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Stardew Valley

Mod Request: Firearms


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I feel like having a gun you can use on your farm(especially for a wilderness farm.), would give a more immersive feeling to playing the game.

Could also go well with animal husbandry, allowing you to kill things like coyotes. And collect their meat. Before they can get to your animals.

Could also be used as a weapon, in the mines.

AKMs.(With full auto, and semi-auto functionality. Moderate damage. 7.62x39. Moderate fire rate.)

AR-15s.(With full auto, and semi-auto functionality. Moderate damage. 5.56mm. Moderate fire rate.)


Barrets.(semi-automatic. Big damage. .50 BMG.)

Desert Eagles.(Semi-automatic, big damage. .50 AE.)

Glocks.(Semi and fully automatic functionality. Small/low damage. 9mm. High fire rate.)

Small shotguns.(20 - 12 gauge shells. Semi and full auto functionality. Moderate damage.)

Medium Shotguns.(10 - 6 gauge shells. Semi-auto functionality. Big damage.)

Large shotguns.(4 - 1.5 gauge shells. Semi-auto functionality. Huge damage. But slow and clunky.)

Minigun(7.62x54. Full auto functionality. Moderate damage. Extreme fire rate.)

Can add more, or not include some, if you want. But that'd be the guns i'd mostly want. Might try to make it myself. Though it'd be my first Stardew mod. Have 0 experience with modifying Stardew.

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