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Ritual stone/Thrall" army "battle formations


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So guys, I am new around here, my English isnt perfect but here it goes. I have the Ritual Stone mod and i had great fun with it, but.. as you know or you assume I created an army, that army was cool, very. The thing i like to request or ask is:

1st. Is it possible to create a mod that allows you to tell your "Zombie" Wait / follow.
2nd. Is it possible to create sort of a formations to set your "Zombies" to walk in square or single line.
3rd. If the first two are possible than how about to apoint an "Officer" in the dialogue with your "Zombie" where you can tell the whole army "wait" "Follow" "Change Fromation"
4th. If all of this is posible, well you are super awesome! If not, you guys are still awesome but not SUPER. :P :P !!!

Thanks <mym1a7a>.

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