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ai package question


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I fully changed from LE to SE and I'm trying to get a AI package ( DefaultSandboxCurrentLocation1024 [PACK:000BFB6B] ) to work with followers as I noticed on SE that most followers with that package do not stay where I dismiss them after a few in-game days returning where you recruited them. No issue with the LE package as followers stay where i leave them indefinitely so this got me scratching my head and googling to see what package works or something.


Also I do use My home is your home and the Nethers follower framework but I do use a lot of followers plus the in-game as well to move them to places not in use after you either beat the quest or clear the place (ex. Northwatch and Volkinhar) which makes follower managing easier and Nethers base marker feature seems to be script lagging my game which makes saves unloadable.


If anyone got the answer thank you in advance.

Edited by kbl1983
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  • 2 months later...

No one seemingly has the same issue on this apparently :-/


Using MHIYH and EFF so far had to wipe the follower data from EFF as it takes long to load the mod in MCM as well as MHIYH as one of the sections would not load when there was a bug with two of the same follower registered.


So far giving a thumbs up towards LE AI package that works and may go back after I organize and port the files to Vortex from NMM (yes I used that for the longest time since FO3 not knowing the virtual loader of MO2).

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