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"The selected plugin has been manually removed"


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Half my mods installed normally, the other half have this error message.



The selected plugin has been manually removed.


Restart NMM or select again your game on Change Game Mode to refresh the plugin list.


BOSS_API_ERROR_FILE_WRITE_FAIL:"C:\Users\MyName\Local\Skyrim\loadorder.txt" cannot be written to!


The Mod was not installed!




I've searched around and have run into people with the same problem, but with Fallout 3, without using NMM. And they don't help my case.


Anyone know what I should do?

Edited by Mepeteatu
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Try installing your mods without using NMM? I find it can cause a lot of weird unpredictable problematic glitches, and prefer manual installation myself. If anything, stick to using it with texture and mesh replacer mods, since easily installing and uninstalling these are really the only major positive of using NMM outside of convenience. ^_^

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