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Combat immersion no restoration while fighting


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Hi everyone.


Dont know if its been made, But im looking or hoping for a mod that makes it not-possible using potions,eating food,reading tomes or switching weapons and armor during combat.

forcing you to think ahead and preparing yourself everytime a combat ends or everytime youre planning an assault etc.


Would be a lot more realistic I mean eating cabbage,carrots,drinking potions and reading books while someones trying to kill you ??? uhhh i wouldnt do that :no: Not the best idea.


It would also be cool to add some limitation lets say there is some distance between you and your foe, Maybe just enough time to drink a couple of potions,select a different weapon for use or preparing a different spell.





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in real life, I've actually switched weapons and read while people are trying to kill me.

switching weapons is common, I mean when my M-4 ran out of ammo I'd just grab an AK-47 that I kept a few in my Humvee which I confiscated off detainees that shot at me and they were lucky to live.


I've also read my pocket bible in a situation where my squad was pinned down in a bad position, it might of saved my life as the insurgents stopped shooting at us and walked into a hallway (aka a deathtrap) as they wanted to check if we were alive or dead. Basically they gave up a fortified position to walk into a killzone with no cover. True though, I didn't need to read that bible, but if we kept firing pop shots they probably would of fired a rpg into the room we were in and then I wouldn't be writing this post.


as for the other stuff, I can see not being able to drink down 50 potions or such as you'd have to take like 3 pisses, or you can only chow down so fast. You probably wouldn't switch armor in a real-life scenario other then to put more on, but there are those situations where taking it off could save your life as well because its just too damn heavy, or its on fire.



So some of your suggestions I think are reasonable, some not so much, since you wanted to base your ideas off reality.

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Hey hey hey First of all im talking about rpgs NOT shooters.


i have the deepest respect for people risking their lives to protect others :thumbsup:


This is a gaming forum NOT a discussion site for soldiers in the front line geeez lighten up dude.


Sure sure you just switch an entire set of full plate armor, While gulping down potions with your left hand in the middle of an intense sword fight RIGHT OF COURSE!!! NOOOO PROBLEM.


Maybe its you that needs to get back to reality. Were talking about a game mod request for skyrim, Not how it is being in the army.

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