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Blond Khajiit Skin Tone now missing


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I was able to get blond khajiit skin tone but after applying autoclean with sseedit I no longer getting it as an option and I don't know why or how to it again.

The mod is Skyrim Vanity Kit-PC Edition by Dennis83 at Bethesda.net, file name skyrim colors.esp.

Description is that Khajiit get 8 addition Fur Colors (ie. Skin Tones).

I see several "blond" colours listed in the "Available Hair Colors" section and no idea which blond name it was that I liked, but in the "Available Skin Tones" section there are no blond colours listed so I'm confused how I could have gotten a total body (ie. skin/fur tone) colour to be something that is not available from the list.


The other mod I tried first "Blonde Khajiits" by Anonymoogle at Bethesda.net, file name blondekhajiit.esp, also only supposedly affects just hair colour and not skin/fur tone and this one doesn't add new colours but only makes available the base game colours from other races for khajiit and none of those are the blond that appealed to me.


I searched the nexus mods and couldn't find either of these mods here, and so, as I'm also new to these forums, is it appropriate I post this question here or where should I if no?



Edited by anonymouselephant
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