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Nuka Mixing Stations

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So I'm playing through Nuka World and have "Fizztop Grille Enhancements" (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22091) running...an excellent, brilliant mod. :) It's got a feature that I'd like to move back to the Commonwealth at large, but am unsure about how to go about it...looking for help. :)


The Nuka World Mixing Station that the mod adds is self-contained, meaning, it only uses the supplies that you put into it. It isn't linked to the other crafting stations around Fizztop Grille, so you can put all your Nukas into it and start crafting mixes as soon as you start crafting. I'd like all the Mixing Stations that I craft, wherever I craft them, to be this way...unlinked from other stations; how do I go about this?


I'm thinking it's a GECK project, but am unsure of how to proceed. Any advice/directions? And before it's mentioned...I did do a search of the Nexus and didn't find any mod that accomplishes this...tho it's definitely possible that I just overlooked it. If anyone knows of a mod that achieves this, that'd be fantastic; otherwise, how do I make this happen in my game?


Thanks for any and all help. :)

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Crafted workshop objects in settlements are automatically get linked to the object reference of the workshop workbench with the WorkshopItemKeyword (in console, click on the object, type "GetLinkedRef WorkshopItemKeyword", it'll show the workbenchâs RefID). You can unlink crafted Nuka-mixer Stations by attaching a script to their base form (Furniture).

(Probably not a "safe solution" though. A safe solution would require a more complex script..).

Edited by LarannKiar
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