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Need help with enb problem


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Lately i have been using kwanon enb (performance preset) and honestly i like it very much but any tweaking i do in environmental and sky section, nothing happens. I can tweak water as i please but not those two. My actual problem is masser moon, it is desaturated and white and i want to revert it back to its original glory.
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Deferred rendering is set to true but deleting enbhelper.dll from enbseries folder fixed the problem so thank you so much :). However im quite confused now because i did not face such issue with all the enbs i had used before, Nan0 light being the recent most and all of them had this dll inside enbseries folder. So question of the questions is what will i miss? And am i technically missing something to actually make it work?


Thank you again 10 million times :)

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Damn it seems with enbhelper dll installed, editting both of these sections is only possible via weathers tab not via general one. Thankfully i just have to desaturate moon only and nothing else and im gonna do it directly to each weather ini in notepad rather than in gui. I read that enbhelper has something to do with enb weathers so i will be keeping it.



Thank you so much again, couldn't have figured it out without your help. Lets be nexus buddys lol :)

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