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Killing off Ordinators... what level

Jenlyn Fayre

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I'm in Ghostgate right now and I'm down in one of the lower floors of a tower. My mouth is just watering because there's some be-yoo-tif-ul ebony goodies here that I'd love to swipe. Every time I try to kill the one Oridinator here, he kicks my a-- into tomorrow. I'm only on level 4. What level should I be at before I take on one of these guys? Recommendations?
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There are many better ways to acquire the things downstairs in the Dawn and Dusk towers. For instance, you could go out and do the Fighter's Guild and Master Propylon Index quests. You can complete the Propylon Quests before you reach level 6, since they're all fairly easy as long as you know how to use the right scrolls at the right time.


Besides, killing Ordinators is a perenially bad idea. It never pays off in the end.

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I took my first at level 11. *nod* It was only one though, and he got my health down pretty low...


I disagree with it being a bad idea TOTALLY. It may be at such an early level. Once you take their armor, if you wear certain parts of it, they will attack you. They don't seem to like people wearing their armor. This is a great way to make money though, you can pick up about 20000 septims from each one you kill, if you know the right buyers. :) Once I got up to level 60 or so, it was a blast running through vivec. Because once they attack you, if you kill them, it doesn't add a price to your head. And at that level, they aren't difficult at all.

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