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I had this idea enter my mind and I think I've got it thought out. So, I'll outline it right now:


Concept: Factions Improved would be a mod aimed at taking Skyrim's factions and giving them a sense of meaning and depth, as well as adding several mini-factions throughout the game that give the player the ability to role play roles they would otherwise not be able to via radiant quests.


The mod could be divided into several components as well as a superfile that contains all changes.


The idea is based partially off of the fact that Morrowind and Oblivion both had ranks within their factions, and that these ranks had a pronounced impact on the game via prices, fame, and infamy. However, this mod would also seek to improve on these concepts, keeping it in line with Skyrim's overall gameplay.


The purpose of this mod is to introduce a sense of progression and meaning to the various factions. To make the player feel like they not only earned their place in that faction, but that their places actually has an impact on either the player character or the rest of the game world.


The logic behind gameplay bonuses instead of just an overall fame and infamy stat is that, as a member of that guild, the player character effectively learns some tips and tricks, or is outright educated. A player character who is part of the companions could therefore wield a sword or an axe better than a player who isn't a part of that faction. A mage who studies at the college would have better control over his magicka, as well as an improved magicka pool to begin with. And so forth.


Now, onto the more specific details:




The standard guilds now require you to be a certain rank before completing each of their main quests. To achieve these ranks, you must accomplish two things: Complete a certain amount of radiant quests, and pass a test that proves that you are capable of the rank. The necessary amount of radiant quests and the difficulty of the test increases with each rank.


Each rank provides a passive bonus to the player's abilities. In some cases, there may also be a malus present, when appropriate. When a new rank is achieved, it replaces the old rank.


Becoming a leader of a faction entitles an extra bonus, alongside whatever rank achieved.


These ranks will also be applied to NPCs when appropriate.




Each rank in the Companions improves your damage with melee weapons and archery by a small amount.


In addition to the radiant quests, you may be required to duel a Companion member to prove that your fighting skills have improved. This duel may involve weapons or brawling, depending on your rank and the difficulty of implementing weapons into a brawl-like state for the modders.


The final test involves leading the Companions on a quest to defeat a strong group of bandits. This test is required to be completed before one can access the final quest that gets the player named as Harbinger. The purpose of this test is to make the player feel like they've truly earned the title instead of having it tacked onto them.


Being Harbinger, in addition to counting as the highest rank, would also provide the benefit of increasing the weapon damage of any followers you have.


Rank names may be decided at the modders' taste.


-College of Winterhold


Ranks in this guild increase magicka and magicka regeneration,


In the absence of radiant quests, I have an idea for the College to make it feel like its namesake.


The first rank advancement (New Student to Accomplished Student is basically given to the player in recognition of their efforts in Saarthal.


After that, in order to advance to the next rank, the player must pass written and practical tests, thus completing various classes in various fields of magic.


To pass from Accomplished Student to Apprentice, the student must show that he or she is capable of casting magic at the Apprentice level in at least two fields of magic.


To pass from Apprentice to Wizard, the student must show capability in casting magic at the Adept level in at least four fields of magic.


To pass from Wizard to Warlock, the student must show capability in casting magic at the Expert level in every field of magic but Enchanting and Alchemy. (Alchemy being considered a field of magic for the purposes of the college, not for the purposes of gameplay)


(Expert is the point at which the player can begin the series of quests that enable them to become Archmage)


To pass from Warlock to Master Wizard, the student must show mastery in every field of magic, plus either Enchanting or Alchemy.


I leave it up to the modders to decide what benefit being Archmage accomplishes. Also, if you don't like the titles, you are free to change them.


-Thieves Guild


Each rank improves lockpicking and pickpocketing by a certain amount. However, the infamy malus is that shopkeepers who are not fences will raise their prices towards you.


Before you are even allowed to do the Goldenglow Estate, you must be a certain rank. Otherwise, the NPCs will refuse to give you the quest (but will reserve it for you)


In addition to radiant quests and special quests, you may be asked to perform a special heist to prove your skill in both lockpicking and pickpocketing. Each heist gets more difficult, such as more people who don't sleep, more items that you need to collect, and tougher locks and more valuable items that you need to pickpocket.


To begin the series of quests that allow you to become a Nightingale, you will need to be at a rank that needs you to be an expert pickpocket, as well as be able to pick expert locks.


To become guild leader, you will effectively need to be a master pickpocket, as well as be able to pick master locks, in addition to other requirements.


-Dark Brotherhood


Each ranks improves sneak and slightly increases the sneak attack multiplier. The infamy malus is that enemies will take longer to stop searching for you (if this is possible)


This one doesn't need too much changing, except perhaps increasing the amount of minor contracts one needs to complete before they can take on major contracts. I leave this one up to the tastes of the modders.


It also doesn't help that I don't have too much experience with the Dark Brotherhood yet.


-Civil War


Ranks give you a discount on all items sold by cities under your faction, and you are overcharged in cities that are not under your faction. Past a certain rank, you will achieve a semi-permanent bounty in all cities that are not under your faction's control. If said city changes faction control, then the bounty will be removed.


Completing the civil war in favor of one side will cause your bounty to be the "attack on sight" type, because you just killed one of their major leaders.


Betraying one side for the other at the Jagged Crown quest will cause you to gain a bounty from the side you just betrayed.




Mini Factions are more or less factions that can be joined that have little to no impact on the game. There are no big tests, just radiant quests. The more you complete, the more your rank will advance by talking to an NPC about it.


-Bard's College


Ranks improve Persuade attempts


I know this is technically already a faction, but...

After becoming a Bard, as a Radiant Quest system, you will be asked to visit various inns, nobles, and eventually Jarls and tell stories via the dialogue option. Gauging your audience's reaction is the key to earning more money. Regardless, the more you accomplish, the higher ranks you get


-Priest of Arkay


Ranks improve the money you get from dead-specific containers, such as urns and such.


Becoming a Priest of Arkay involves going to Falkreath and talking to Runil to join. As a Priest of Arkay, you will be charged with recovering corpses from the field and returning them to the nearest House of the Dead to prepare their bodies for burial or incineration.


-Priest of Kynareth


Ranks decrease the cost of Restoration spells


Becoming a Priest of Kynareth involves completing the quest involving the Gildergreen. (Going the sapling route starts you at a higher rank than the sap route). Your radiant quests will be to visit various injured or ill people in cities or on the field and giving them either healing potions or healing them with magic. Some might require Cure Poison potions, some might require Cure Disease potions. (Note: Might be best to make an NPC that sells Cure Poison and Cure Disease potions for this purpose)


-Priest of Talos


Ranks slightly decrease the cooldown of shouts, as well as increase the chance of Thalmor attacking you on sight.


Radiant Quests involve stealing confiscated Talos amulets and returning them to their owners, or escorting Talos worshipers to places of safety.




Ranks improve the power and duration of shouts.


Despite the faction being "greybeards", the rank names should follow the trend of "Tongues".


You are inducted into this faction during the ceremony of the Greybeards. After that, it's up to you to advance your ranks by learning words of power.


Learning every word of power will earn you the highest rank.


Killing Paarthurnax will have you kicked out of this faction and thus be unable to gain the highest rank.




Ranks improve the damage you deal to dragons and reduce the damage you take from fire and frost.


You join this faction when the quest with Paarthurnax gets resolved in favor of the Blades. (Perhaps include compatibility for The Paarthurnax Dilemma as a way to join both factions?)


You advance in ranks by killing dragons.




And that's all that I have.


For the sake of avoiding discordancy, I might suggest that the new dialogue doesn't have voice acting. It would be weird for Aela to suddenly start speaking with a different woman's voice when she tells you that she wants to test your skill, for example. However, this is up to the modders.


Some new NPCs might be necessary for each faction. To clarify my thoughts on advancing through the mini-factions, think of it like becoming Thane in each hold. You complete a certain amount of quests, and you can become the next rank. The amount of quests required increases each time, however.


Speaking of which, the modder might consider adding rank benefits for various holds. Becoming Thane, for instance, might give you certain benefits in that hold, in addition to the "Get Out Of One Crime Free" card.


In addition, support for DLC factions would be nice. Unfortunately, I don't have those as well thought out yet.


In any event, if a modder does decide to take on this task, I'd be glad to help in regards to writing dialogue or fleshing out details.

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Ah, most of your ideas are great.

It's nice that you thought it through.

While some of them have already been taken care of, like the Companions (There's a mod that forces you to have a specific level in your warrior skills and specific number of radiant quests finished)

and the Civil War (While the faction-based price lowering thing isn't there, to finish the entire quest, you have to slowly take over every enemy faction hold till you reach Winterhold),

the rest have still not been improved upon, especially the College of Winterhold, which is surprising cause it was the most disappointing.

And I really like the idea of becoming the Priest of Arkay or Kynareth (Maybe you can add Dibella? There are dialogues that suggest you could've, but they say they aren't taking in new students so you can't in Vanilla Skyrim) and also joining the greybeards.

Very interesting, but sadly I'm only good at making simple quests, NPCs, weapons, armours etc. those sort of simple things.

Hopefully someone skilled finds this :)

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