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[LE] How to create something that you can temporarily add to the worldspace (like a chair, e.g.)

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Hey all,


can someone point me in the right direction how to make the following:


How to make it possible that you have an object in your inventory and that you can place it as an object in the world with which you can interact and also the possibility to remove that object.


Just like the tents (and other stuff) in the mod Campfire.


I am thinking of creating a placeable book crafting table, but we should be able to remove it.



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A nifty workaround I have seen mods do is give an invisible actor a skin or outfit of the object. So basically a humanoid wearing a tent. Reason for this is humans can spawn to line up with the terrain, where as object placement via script is literal. It will just hover in the air or be clipped into the ground, where as the humanoid wearing the tent skin, wont do that


You then can tell said human to placeatme an object that matches his current look, then delete the human. Voila awkward but effective placement. FollowerLivePackage builds camps this way. I thought it was clever

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