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My Character as a Follower?


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Hey guys,


A few times, while browsing nexus, i ran across follower downloads that were peoples actual characters. Just curious if anyone is able to tell me how to go about doing that? (ie: how to set up the npc-follower using my current character, default skills/armor and such) Slightly tempted to copy my own character over into a 'follower' and e-mail her to a friend to use who also plays Skyrim.


Hey, until TESO comes out, its the closest to 'playing together' you can get :blush:


Thanks for any replies.

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I remember there being a console command that lets you "save" your character's look so that you can use them in the Creation Kit, I don't remember what it was, though.

EDIT: The command is spf "filename". This will save a file in your game folder that you can import into the CK.

Edited by TheUglyIgloo
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Hmmm did that. then tried opening up the race-mod that i wanted to use on my character/follower. ( The Ningheim race ). When i try to open it up in CK though, it gives me an error about trying to open to many 'master' files and stops the open. I tried using a tool to turn the esp for the Ningheim race into a esm, and it still happens.


When i try to select/open the custom race mod (to create the character) it auto-selects the Skyrim, Dawnguard, Race Fix, and a few other things as well... which causes the error with to many master files being opened at once.


Any ideas?

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