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[LE] Making a spell to make a perk

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Trickier than one may think, since its almost like Bethesda really didn't want or feel the need for an easy way to apply effects in dynamic situations. Perhaps due to how busy it has to be under the hood. There might be more than one way but here's how I'd go about it


A Cloak Spell. More or less copy shock cloak for example, and tweak its radius, visuals, and other values to your liking. I recommend rendering this cloak harmless and visually invisible. Now edit the castable cloak spell to be an ability. Make a perk and choose that ability as the spell it uses. This effectively makes it where you always have this cloak going after you learn this perk. That's the "busy" part since it basically is interacting with every single entity you get close enough to. Good idea to add a "IsUsingABow" or whatever conditions so its only active when it even could do something, and if you copy a cloak I believe it has combat conditions etc, which you should probably keep there to make it less busy


Now add a script to the damage effect aka the effect for the secondary "proc" spell your cloak casts on enemies. On this script you want an OnHit Event. In this OnHit Event you will want to now inflict fire damage


So declare target (enemy) on effect start and OnHit go... FireWhateverEffect.Cast(Target,Target)


The above conditions can render no need for script conditions which is ideal


Hesitated to post since perks are not something I dabble with much and ppl love to correct others etc, but saw no one responding so... Anyway might be a better route, like maybe mess with Paralytic Shot and see if you can adapt that into a fire proc of some kind. Good luck

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