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I want to create a custom helmet. Need help


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I want to create a custom helmet for Skyrim special edition. Just as a test, proof that it can be done, I'm trying making a helmet with Suzanne (base monkey shape in Blender) with a generated grid texture.


Using the Nif blender addon (found here: https://github.com/niftools/blender_niftools_addon/releases ), so long as I setup the Shader type and Game info, I can export to NIF without a texture. If I try to export her with a texture, I get an error (see pic)




I overwritten the path of an existing helmet to replace it in-game and just get an exclamation point.



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1. The blender addon does not support Skyrim Special Edition nifs yet. You'll need to follow the Skyrim LE process and convert it afterward.

2. The error is simply saying it didn't like the name "untitled.dds" as a texture.

3. Did you skin/rig the helmet to the Skyrim head model? Create a partition?

4. The helmetlightgnd.nif is a 'ground' model, or what you see when the model is not in your inventory. The helmetlight.nif would be what you equip. The two types of models are created differently, with the gnd model being a regular static item and the equipable helmet being rigged. Which one is giving you the missing mesh error? Both?

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1. The blender addon does not support Skyrim Special Edition nifs yet. You'll need to follow the Skyrim LE process and convert it afterward.

2. The error is simply saying it didn't like the name "untitled.dds" as a texture.

3. Did you skin/rig the helmet to the Skyrim head model? Create a partition?

4. The helmetlightgnd.nif is a 'ground' model, or what you see when the model is not in your inventory. The helmetlight.nif would be what you equip. The two types of models are created differently, with the gnd model being a regular static item and the equipable helmet being rigged. Which one is giving you the missing mesh error? Both?

1.) understood, I'll remember this


2.) what texture name should it have?


3.) I did not, where do I get a template character to use? I have had zero success importing a NIF from skyrim into Blender. The NIF import plugin errors out. When I try to use an OBJ exported from NifSkope it just shows up as an empty.


4.) That makes sense. I wasn't sure which was which, so I just duplicated it over both. The item appears as an error exclamation point in Skyrim SE



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