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How to make a spell add items to inventory


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Hello everyone. I'm very new to the whole mod creation scene, but I had an idea and I was wondering if it would be possible. Help would very much be appreciated


I used to play WOW, and one of the mechanics I thought was pretty cool was the mage being able to conjure up food for his party. I play Skyrim using Skyre's Feast and Famine, and it occurred to me that the image of a mage running through a forest hunting elk with fireballs was quite absurd when he could conjure up some bread or something. I opened up the creation kit and promptly hit a brick wall. I have no idea what I'm doing. I made a teeny tiny mod that was nothing more than a glorified numbers tweak. This is something much different from that. I had a look at the transmute spell for inspiration, but the transmute ore effect seems hard coded and I don't know quite what to do.


My question is thus two fold: Is something like this possible? If so, how would I get started on it?


As a separate question, can a solution to this be found in scripting of some sort? Cast the spell and have the appropriate player.additem command fire?


Thank you all for your time

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Yes this is definitely possible and not that hard to do. You will need to create an actual spell then create a magic effect and assign it to that spell. You will want to set the magic effect archetype to Script and make it Fire and Forget and set the delivery to self. Then you will want to add a script to the magic effect and put something like what I put below. Where it says "Potion Property Bread Auto" Potion is the type of property used as for some reason food is considered a potion but for other objects you just need to find out the type and use that e.g Weapon, MiscObject etc. Then when you compile and exit the script window make sure you right click the script and go into properties and make sure you assign it an object to use. You will then want to set up a new book for the spell tome and make sure you set it to teach you a new spell and obviously choose your one. You can then spawn the spell tome in game using any method you like either by placing it in the world in the CK or adding it to a merchant or just using the console command player.additem.

Potion Property Bread Auto  ;Reference to the object we want to add

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Bread) ;get player reference and give him the object
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