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Animated wings


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Ok just for clarification; I’m not talking about moving wings here people.


What I want, and from the popularity of mods that include wings as long as they look alright, I'd say there is a fair intrest in seeing some real animated wings in skyrim. Think about it! There are some fantastic wings out there, Favoredsouls for one. Now imagine if they would fold on your back when you were idle and then start flaping and allow you to fly if you wanted to? Wouldn't that be awsome? I think so and i'm sure alot of you think so to.


Now granted I don't know what would be ivolved with skeletons and such and such, there is much I don't understand about stuff like that. But can't the vampire lord skeleton be modefied in some way to suport vannila textures and armors and such?


If anyone know how it could be done could they post it in this thread so people could see it.


Animated Wings for the Win!


Thank you!

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