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Hand texture bug when in game (fine in CK, Nifskope).


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Hello. Whenever I upload an outfit that includes hands I cannot get the hand textures to show up correctly. The textures have their own path file, it's not using the vanilla so I don't think it's some sort of incompatibility issue( I switched to this after using a mesh with the vanilla path but clearly didn't make a difference). The texture looks normal in both nifskope and in the CK. I've tried the game with no textures/body replacers just in case but the problem persists anyway.


These are mods that I've made for Xbox.


The hands are part of a whole outfit, not individual gloves/gauntlets. Could that be it? Are hands supposed to be on their own? I'm pretty much an amateur at this.


Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/sa226sY


Edit: It's happens in both 3rd and 1st person.

Edited by Gekoeko
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  • 1 year later...
Friend, I solved the problem! You need to remove the hands mesh from the nif file altogether.

  1. Go into CK.
  2. Open ArmorAddon of your armor.
  3. If your outfit is a complete set of armor in one file, select: BODY, Forearms, Feet, Calves.
  4. (Do not choose hands, then you will see why.)
  5. Open your Armor
  6. Choose BODY, Hands, Forearms, Feet, Calves
  7. SECOND: in the lower window where you add AA to your armor click rmb on the blank field and select "new" and add "NakedHands" and "NakedHands" for all races.
  8. Save and check in game.
  9. ........
  10. PROFIT!!!

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