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SMP - configs.xml groupEnableMLCP ... interesting


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Has anyone else ever fiddled with that setting? It appears to be set false by default, and the group its a part of appears to be an error correction algorithm. Sure enough, doing a net search shows that it is indeed part of an error correction scheme for supposedly improved SMP collisions response.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

		<!-- enableNPCFaceParts: enable physics for NPC face parts -->
		<!-- clampRotations: when turning a large angle, clamp rotation speed, so your character rotates slowly instead of instantly -->
		<!-- unclampedResets: when unclamped, if you do a large turn (full 180 for example) SMP will attempt to apply physics
		                      for that enormous turn. setting this to true will instead trigger a physics reset on the actor
				      if the turn is large enough. you can try setting this false and deciding if you're OK with the 
				      results -->
		<!-- unclampedResetAngle: angle to reset at. you'll probably want to tweak this until you're happy. -->
		<groupEnableMLCP>false</groupEnableMLCP> <!--  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this line <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< -->

Ignoring the rest of the settings (they're pretty self explanatory) since they're not the interesting stuff... This is - or appears to be - an interesting and effectively hidden feature (along with its loop tuning values). wish I'd have known about it a long time ago.


explanation of configs.xml

https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3800385-a-guide-to-hdt-smp-usersmodders/ about 2/3 of the way down


Quoting from the link above

  • <numIterations>: (int, reasonable starting value 10 - 16) Could be simplified as 'simulation accuracy', lower values will gain performance at the cost of less quality. The default value will probably suffice for the most part.
  • <groupEnableMLCP>: (boolean) Turn on the higher quality constraint solver, better constraint simulation at the cost of performance.
  • <erp>: (float, valid range [0-1]) The error correction force applied per simulation step, constraints will drift apart naturally, this value will exert a force to move them back to where they are supposed to be. You probably won't need to change this from default, do not use a value of 1 http://www.ode.org/o....html#sec_3_7_0

Anyone else play with this before?


I just enabled it and left the other settings alone for now. Not 100% sure from a very quick (~5-ish minutes) review in game (no time tonight) , but it appears to have at least some benefit and happily enough didn't crash the game. fwiw I thought maybe someone else might be interested and or have previous experience with it....


Not sure the "horsepower" requirements, so for reference> 4.3GHz 9700K, 64G primary, 1060SC 6G video

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