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Event OnDeath Timer?


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The challenge you have is not with code, but the game design.


When a actor dies it is marked as a corpse.


If the actor/corpse is non persistent and the number of corpses exceeds the corpse cleanup counters like iRemoveExcessDeadCount (there are several) the game will delete the corpse.
If that corpse has an active script timer attached you will end up generating hanging scripts which can stack up to crash games.
To avoid this you should make the actor/corpse persistent though a quest alias and run the script on that.
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Not too worried about stability as this script is for alternate save npc battles. Just trying to find a way to delay Self.Reset(None) for a few seconds. They respawn too quickly.


You could try it with two scripts: a quest script and an actor script. The actor script would call the functions of the quest script which resets your actors with timers.


Attach this quest script (Scriptname: HandlerScript) to a quest (EditorID should be: HandlerQuest).

Scriptname HandlerScript extends Quest

Actor[] myActors

Event OnQuestInit()
	myActors = new Actor[0]

Function InitializeMe(Actor ActorToInitialize)
	If myActors.Find(ActorToInitialize) < 0

Function ResetMe(Actor ActorToReset)
	If myActors.Find(ActorToReset) >= 0
                StartTimer(10, myActors.Find(ActorToReset))
                Debug.Trace("Error, ResetMe: " + ActorToReset + " hasn't been initialized and couldn't be found in myActors.")

Event OnTimer(int aiTimerID)
        If myActors[aiTimerID] != none
	        If myActors[aiTimerID].IsDead() == 1
		        myActors[aiTimerID].Reset()                                                    ;fixed "variable myActor is undefined"
                        Debug.Trace("Error, OnTimer: " + myActors[aiTimerID] + " is not dead.")        ;fixed "variable ActorToReset is undefined"
                Debug.Trace("Error, OnTimer: myActors with index: " + aiTimerID + " is none.")

Function Shutdown()	;should be called when the HandlerQuest stops
	Int Index = 0
	While myActors.Length >= Index
                If myActors[Index] != none
		       CancelTimer(Index)                                                              ;fixed "type mismatch on parameter 1 - cannot pass a actor to a int"
		Index = Index + 1

Attach the actor script to your actor:

Scriptname YOURSCRIPTNAME extends Actor Const

Quest Property HandlerQuest Auto Const

Event OnInit()
	(HandlerQuest as HandlerScript).InitializeMe(Self)

Event OnDying(Actor akKiller)
	(HandlerQuest as HandlerScript).ResetMe(Self)

I haven't tested them but hopefully they'll work..


EDIT: I fixed the errors you posted below.. I should've tried to compile them.. sorry. Anyway, glad you get it working.

Edited by LarannKiar
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I tried saving the HandlerScriptNPC, but I get this:


Compiling "HandlerScriptNPC"...

C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\HandlerScriptNPC.psc(12,2): variable myActor is undefined
C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\HandlerScriptNPC.psc(12,10): none is not a known user-defined script type
C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\HandlerScriptNPC.psc(27,10): variable myActor is undefined
C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\HandlerScriptNPC.psc(27,18): none is not a known user-defined script type
C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\HandlerScriptNPC.psc(29,57): variable ActorToReset is undefined
C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\HandlerScriptNPC.psc(39,14): type mismatch on parameter 1 - cannot pass a actor to a int
No output generated for HandlerScriptNPC, compilation failed.
Failed compilation - Are you sure you want to save?
I created a new quest named HandlerQuest, added a new script titled: HandlerScriptNPC, and then pasted the Script code using edit source. Had to rename the script title because it was already in use.
Edited by Paladin555
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I just created a smaller actor script using that utlility.wait line from your post.


Scriptname RespawnNPCScript extends Actor Const
Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller)
That seemed to have did the job. Thanks LarannKiar!
Edited by Paladin555
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