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Looking for help with an FPS issue


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  • 4 months later...
  • 6 months later...

This is the fix!!! Who ever figured this one out is a gentleman and a scholar!



Bug: Severe performance drop in 'CELL - WhiterunJorrvaskrBasement' when looking in the direction of Kodlak's quarters while the player stands at the far opposite end of the hallway. (search tags: ELFX Jorrvaskr ENB shadow SMIM FPS)


Cause: Enhanced Lights and FX when combined with the improved chandelier mesh from Static Mesh Improvement Mod or Ruins Clutter Improved produces slowdown due to the complex and unoptimized shadow math involved. Additionally, if using ENB, the performance drop will affect fps to a critical degree (self-anecdotal evidence reports a 89% drop in framerate) and rendering the hallway largely unplayable.


Recommended Solution: Rename the single offending mesh, allowing use of the remaining improved chandelier. Do this for both Ruins Clutter Improved and Static Mesh Improvement Mod. Self-anecdotal evidence resulted in an immediate performance increase.








Secondary Solution: Reduce accidental Ultra-quality shadows within 'Skyrim.ini'. This is based off of the recommended advice found within the Enhanced Lights and FX thread. Anecdotal evidence from multiple users within said thread reported conflicting success.







The iShadowMapResolution line is in skyrimprefs.ini



Renaming the mesh solved it for me. (wish i found this before spending 2 hours tweaking ENBoost :wallbash: ) HUGE thanks!

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  • 4 weeks later...

You might find a setting of 3072 has an odd effect with ENB. I tried it once and the shadows went all weird.


Also, SMIM includes the fix for ELFX meshes these days.

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