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Horse Realism Mods


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I'm into horses IRL


I wondered if anyone could make some mods for horses to ad some realism/role-play.


Some thoughts are:


Feeding and watering your horse - A play on realistic needs and diseases


Grooming requirements - groom your horse or they get dirty


Gear - Different tack you could purchase from the stable vendors


Injuries for horses - Stones and foot problems or cuts and scrapes


Styling changes - braided main and tail, longer mains and tails or trimmed mains and tails


Variety - Variations in horse breeds (sizes and composure)


Breeding - Raise your own colts


Kicking horses - Teach your horse to kick or paw animals and NPC attackers on the trail. (not overpowered, but something to stun them so you can run away or get off and fight)


I would be willing to offer any information and testing to help with these mods. I have horses and work in the horse care industry. I have a lot of horse knowledge at my disposal.






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