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Simple and lore-friendly Auto-sell chest


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Hi to all modders!


In the never ending quest (no pun intended) to find balance between immersion/realism and fun gameplay, I have an idea that may make selling unwanted items a bit less tedious. Nobody wants to just throw away (or pointlessly horde) items that could generate coin if sold, but if you're anything like me you don't want to spend all day carrying stuff around and often having to find multiple merchants just to sell it all.


I think I have a lore-friendly answer: an auto-sell chest.


The story goes like this: One day you were complaining to a friendly merchant about the hassle of having to make many trips all over Skyrim just to sell your excess loot. The merchant listens politely with a curious smile. It turns out this merchant was particularly innovative when it came to finding ways to make himself more coin, and when you had finished your mild rant he said he had a proposal for you. He suggested that if you were willing to take a reduced price for your items, he would be willing to do the legwork of coming to your house to get the merchandise to resell for you. Put a locked chest outside your house, give him a copy of the key, and every couple days he'll drop by to pick up what you've put in it. "It's a win-win" he said with a wink.


Implementation could go something like this. You create a spell that when cast outside creates a chest. Once every 48 hours (in-game time) any items you had put in the chest are removed and replaced with gold coins representing 60% of their market value. Simple. You put stuff in, once every couple days the merchant comes alongs (unseen) and buys the stuff. You need some kind of delay timer or set time of day I think to keep it lore friendly, otherwise its just some magic box that instantly converts items to coins.


Any takers? Thanks in advance!!!


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Well, since there were no offers to develop this simple little mod I guess I must be in the minority thinking a mod like this is worth the time.


That said, for anyone searching for a similar solution I have found several relevant mods which may be helpful so I thought I'd list them here before abandoning the topic:


Traders Chest Homes - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/32262


Spouse Store Mod - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12325


Lastly, for those of you who may be using Rich Merchants or other similar mod to give them more gold, you can always use the following console commands to enable any merchant to be a general trader and one who accepts stolen goods:


player.modav BypassVendorKeywordCheck 1

player.modav BypassVendorStolenCheck 1


Good luck in your looting adventures!

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