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Follower mods w/ SkyRe


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Hey all!


I've been focusing my attention on getting my game looking as beautiful as possible and while I now am happy with it, I am looking at follower overhaul mods.


Now I used to use an old mod called "Specialized Followers" and I just loved it. I really gave a very unique flavor to the followers the mod author did. However it appears the mod is not being updated any longer and I fear it will conflict with other mods I may have since I just did a fresh re-install and updated all patches, DLC, etc. The last update on that mod was a year ago.


I hear a lot about UFO but I have not tried it yet. My question is, I know that in UFO followers can read spell books you give them, but are there any other follower mods that really give combat personalities to companions that are also compatible with SkyRe? I would like them to use perks from the new SkyRe trees and the new spells if possible and level/ grow with me. Or can this also be achieved with UFO?


Thanks for your input! Cheers!

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I suggest not using UFO, it is outdated and problematic, AFT(Amazing Follower Tweaks) is a much better, more updated alternative. I use it with SkyRe and lots of follower mods and have no trouble. I am not sure about adding perks to the followers, but I know you can add even mod added spells to followers, you just need to make a hard save before adding a new spell from a mod becomes sometimes they glitch out.


AFT lets you set a followers combat style (two handed, shield and sword, magic, dual wield, sword and magic, etc, etc)


I have tried UFO on three different occasions, and every time experienced a different 'game breaking' glitch, one of which was all my followers getting stuck in an invisible bubble they wouldn't leave for anything, another one was my followers going totally agro and trying to kill me at totally random intervals, and another was it just randomly removing my followers as followers, usually as I fast travel so they were lost in the middle of the woods for all eternity.


UFO was a great mod for it's time, but it's a perfect example of how a great mod can go south when it's owner gives up on it and refuses to let other people take it over. =[ AFT isn't quite as good, but it's very stable, updated, and is loaded with tons of useful and fun features, including the ability to pose your followers and interact with them, I believe you can even hug and kiss your followers XD

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Wooow! I was just reading the AFT page and it looks simply amazing! So many tweaks that annoyed the hell out of me with followers can be fixed (Such as the sneak until I get caught and the auto summon upon un-sheathing my weapon). I just hate it when my nimble elf archer is surrounded by bandits and I yell the order to charge and my tank is off having a nice hike in the forest while I get my face smashed in. I also love how you can manage their outfits and set outfits for cities,


I was intrigued by the set up camp option. Do you use Frostfall? If I set up my fire and tent and tell them to set up camp, I'm afraid they will set up a second fire or double up the camp stuff. I would love if they could just throw out a bed roll or just a tent. I will have to play with the settings.


Thanks again for pointing me in that direction!

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I use frostfall, but I ignore the set up camp option for immersion, sense I carry extra tents for my followers! ^_^


I'm glad you like, I would never use another follower mod besides AFT =D

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