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How to resize/enlarge Windowed-mode ?


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I've tried "Scott's" resizer (forget the exact name but starts with his name) but it doesn't seem to affect it at all. Tried the prescribed 1376 X818 to no effect.


I'm running Windows 8 Pro 64 bit.


I already have SKSE running it in windowed mode but it's so small and with all my mods I'm still trying to get a stable version so I've found running it in windowed mode to be very helpful to not lock my whole computer up.


Edited by ntblood
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To clarify...


You can setup windowed mode with the normal game launcher (the one that opens when clicking "Play" in Steam, which is the "SkyrimLauncher.exe" file) - but if you've modified either the Skyrim.ini or the SkyrimPrefs.ini found in "your documents\My Games\Skyrim\ directory) then it's better to set the windowed and resolution values directly from theses files (in this case the SkyrimPrefs.ini file contains the required information). If / when you use the launcher it can reset an modified any adjustments to the .ini files so it's best to avoid using the launcher at all.


Open the SkyrimPrefs.ini with any text editor (Notepad, Notepad++, GetDiz etc) and find these 3 values...


bFull Screen=0
iSize H=1080
iSize W=1920
If you can't find these lines manually, highlight and copy a line without the value present, i.e. "bFull Screen=" (without quotation marks), press Control+F to bring up the find options, paste the line and click "Find" or "Find next". The full screen option can be enabled using the value of "1", or disabled (put into windowed mode) using the value of "0" - as I have it in the example above. The iSize option is simply split into Height (H) and Width (W) so set you're desired values here. Change, then save your file and that's it.
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