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I would love the modder who made her!


She would be perfect if she gets the same "Make me a vampire"-ability that Serana has.

Marriable! (For us who likes to mod, but not to code)


Just add voices from another female, preferably Serana's.. don't know if it works to mix two different voices, since Serana doesn't have any marriage quotes? :S

The best of course, would be if you could get Katherines/Elenas voices from the show, but I don't know if that's possible..

Unless the modder also happens to be/know a proffesional voice actress, haha :smile:


Adding her blue necklace (not the one from the 1700's scenes, but the new. Links below) would also be a sweet detail: Tradeable as a follower and enchantable.


Close-up design:




Please send me a mail if you actually can pull this off so that I'll know someone is on it :smile:

[email protected]


Edited by XcLe3t
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