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A way to see Chance to Hit before locking in move


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I really want to like this game, but the inability to see your chance to hit before locking in your move really kills it for me. It feels like it takes a lot of the strategy out. Is there any way we can get a mod that lets us see our chance to hit before the turn ends? Kinda like the way it works in the Advance Wars games for the gameboy.

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  • 2 months later...

From some of the info I've seen the game originally had such a sightlines mechanic that would show what the moving unit could see from the possible destination as well as some of the hit information.


This was all discarded, reportedly for a couple of reasons :

1) It made the interface much more cluttered, which distracted from the actual immersive experience of playing the game

2) Game balance reasons, as knowing too much with certainty prior to moving made the game easier. This is actually an advantage that the AI gets in that it knows exactly what the to-hit chances are for every tile it can move to (it uses such information to determine where to move to).

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I can understand the balance reasons, there's a drawback though, nothing pisses me more than making my movement and end up in a spot where I don't see the enemy anymore since I lose LOS, which is difficult to get the hang of in cluttered environments.

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