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Sneaking Thieves


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... I don't think sleeping affects it much.

when i said higher enchant levels mean they recharge faster that was meant as:


if an enchant LVL 30 recharges an amulet in 24 hours rest then an enchant LVL 60 would take fewer hours rest to recharge the same one



i may have phrased that weird ^_^ my fault :P

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  • 1 month later...
Doesn't your security skill play a part in deciding if you're detected?



if i'm not mistaken, security only affects your ability to pick locks and remove traps. you need to sneak to pick a lock without being detected (if there's someone around)


any amount of chameleon will greatly improve sneaking. with 100% chameleon you should be able to pickpocket someone when you're right in front of them.


i found an amulet with an old character that gives 40-70% chameleon. helped me alot. my current character has a sneak of 5 though :P but he doesn't worry about sneaking. he goes to the shrine of daring oftentimes, just flies over the enemy, dodging spells, summong creatures, and raining fiery destruction from above



but yeah, i have trouble pickpocketing without the aid of chameleon. it's not hard to steal stuff without it though. just make sure you're not in anyone's line of sight. either be far enough away from them that they can't see, or make sure there's something blocking their view (stacked crates, a column, etc). if they're facing away, they still might notice, but it's better them them looking right at you.

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I believe that security plays a role in pickpocketing, but does not affect your ability to steal things out in plain sight, only those currently on other people.


Furthermore, the amulet is called the amulet of shadows, and it is located on a 60% chameleon archer. (constant, apparently, even though the amulet isnt!), located on the path between gnisis and khull. There is a woman asking you to find her ring. The chamelone guy is in TAT cell and will attack you if you collect the ring.


Yet more info: The amulet is 60% - 80%. And piling a 20% - 40% chameleon on top of this helps loads, but if someone had already noticed you when you cast the spell, it wont help! (MAKE SURE THE SNEAK ICON IS PRESENT!!!!!!!!!)

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One thing I found really helpfull, When you walk up to someone they turn to look at you, so you can just turn them away from the object/person your are trying steal from(they stop turning to look at you in a few seconds.
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  • 2 weeks later...

under those circumstances, i doubt they become hostile. You can cast NON-DAMAGING spells on NPC's without hostility resulting... possible exception to soultrap and absorb attribute spells. Most illusion spells can be cast, most other spells can also be cast if they do no damage to stats, abilities, or fatigue/health/magicka.


good examples are 'frenzy humanoid' (what a shock! Wait for it to wear off though, and if they havent attacked you, you are completely safe!), i think JUST paralyze wont get you hurt, so long as you do no damage, it is possible though. Soultrap shouldn't make an npc hostile... but it might, so be careful.

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I think Blind, Sound, and maybe Silence are crimes. But for some reason, Silence on self doesn't seem to help thieves at all? (I made a CE Silence Daedric Shield, still got OOF, OW, and the like when I got hit...) Basicly, if it hurts them, they will attack, with the exception of Calm/Frenzy. I THINK Calm can't permanently prevent an attecker from continuing to kill you though...wears off when the spell dissipates. I'm not sure if a combined high-power Calm and a Destruction spell would cause an attack afterwards, however. I would think that if you damage someone's Agility, they would have less of a chance of noticing you. Willpower, Luck, and perhaps Personality might also have an effect. I do know that if a shopkeeper loves you (Disposition of 100), and you try selling something of theirs to them, you don't get a bounty, although you do lose whatever the item is.
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