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Adding stuff to settlement vendors/merchants (Slocum Joe's - CC)


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Hey there,


I would like to add donuts and coffee to the vendors/merchants which come with the Slocum's Joe mod (Creation Club). To be more precise, I'm talking about the settlers who I can assign to a Slocum's Joe counter (so that they become vendors/merchants). Could someone tell me please which of those names belong to "Slocum's Joe settlement vendors/merchants"?



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Any help would be highly appreciated!


Many regards,


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Oh, thank you so much!! Unfortunately, I can't add stuff to my vendors due to the bug that often accurs with donut vendors - they don't sell anything. :sad: It happens to people with and without mods. I actually thought I could avoid that bug by adding food myself, but it doesn't seem to work. *sighs* Ah well, maybe I add donuts and coffee to my restaurant vendors. That would be WorkshopVendorChestBar03, right?

Anyway, well-earned kudos to you and thank you again!

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Hm, I seem to do something wrong. I've added items through the Item List via "Add new item", but they don't show up in the vendors' inventory, either. *confused* Or will they be available randomly? That's ... not what I wanted. :confused:

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  On 11/14/2021 at 10:44 PM, LucyAuditore said:

*sighs* Ah well, maybe I add donuts and coffee to my restaurant vendors. That would be WorkshopVendorChestBar03, right?


Yes, that's the container of the vanilla workshop restaurants.


  On 11/14/2021 at 10:55 PM, LucyAuditore said:

Hm, I seem to do something wrong. I've added items through the Item List via "Add new item", but they don't show up in the vendors' inventory, either. *confused* Or will they be available randomly? That's ... not what I wanted. :confused:


Take a look at this .esp. I added the content of the Slocum Joe vendor container to the WorkshopVendorChestBar03. Settlers that are assigned to workshop restaurants will sell donuts and coffee.


  On 11/14/2021 at 10:44 PM, LucyAuditore said:

Oh, thank you so much!! Unfortunately, I can't add stuff to my vendors due to the bug that often accurs with donut vendors - they don't sell anything. :sad: It happens to people with and without mods. I actually thought I could avoid that bug by adding food myself, but it doesn't seem to work.


Does it happen only at night? Slocum Joe Shops use the vanilla workshop vendor faction "WorkshopVendorFactionMisc". Workshop vendors can sell things only during the day (even if they're standing at the shop). See Faction >> Vendor tab >> Start hour: 7:00, End hour: 20:00.

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That's very kind of you, thank you so much! Unfortunately, I don't know what to do with your ESP... I'm absolutely new to the CK. *sighs*

I'm still trying to figure out how the Slocum's Joe vendors can sell food. Yes, I'm still not willing to give up. x)

Here's a screenshot:



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The following may be absolute nonsense... Since it's buggy, I deleted the Slocum's Joe script and just added Boston Coffe (for testing) to the container. My goal is to achieve that the vendors sell 10 amounts of every (!) coffe and donut item, plus ingredients like brahmin milk or donut mix every time. If it's just not suppose to be, I'd take the restaurant vendors instead.


Would you mind telling me what I did wrong or what I'm supposed to add? (The Power Noodles bot always sells (well) Power Noodles and he has a Bobblehead Speech in his inventory. So I thought it might not hurt to add it. x))


Edit: Yes, I've made sure to only trying buy stuff during daytime.

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Note that you are modifying a base object (this object is like a template of sorts) not the reference (the object dropped in the world that you actually interact with). The reference (or references since you can create various references from the same base object) is created using the data of the base object, but the reference is a unique instance that can get its properties changed while you play, like keywords, values, and in the case of a container, the objects that it contains, therefore if you make changes to the properties of a base object those changes will only show up if you start a new game or such reference gets a reset. Vendor containers use to reset once every 2 in-game days iirc.

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  On 11/15/2021 at 8:25 PM, LucyAuditore said:

That's very kind of you, thank you so much! Unfortunately, I don't know what to do with your ESP... I'm absolutely new to the CK. *sighs*


You should open it in FO4Edit so you can have a better look at it.


  On 11/15/2021 at 8:25 PM, LucyAuditore said:

I'm still trying to figure out how the Slocum's Joe vendors can sell food. Yes, I'm still not willing to give up. x)


Open the Slocum Joe Shop furniture (ccFSVFO4003_WorkshopFurnDonutVendorCounter).


- Replace the actor value "WorkshopRatingVendorTypeGeneral" with "WorkshopRatingVendorTypeBar". Amount: 1.


- Double click on WorkshopObjectScript, change the script properties: "VendorType" to 3 and "VendorLevel" to 2. Click OK to close the script property window.

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