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Different pickaxe models


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Unless my searches are failing, I notice there is lack of pickaxe models out there. Most are reskins modifying the detail on the pickaxe, but none drastically change (aside from the Notch's pickaxe minecraft mod).


I was wondering if anyone is interested in making more pickaxe models. Such as something similar to a Molten Pickaxe from GW2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REBNA_TNS9E or different styles like Terraria http://terraria.gamepedia.com/Molten_Pickaxe - but obviously not in the same graphic style as Terraria.


I know it's not a huge demand since pickaxe graphics are rarely seen but only a minimal amount of gameplay every time you hit an ore vein. But I thought it would be interesting if there were also pickaxe models for each material type (Elven, Daedric, etc)


Has this been done before? If not, I submit a request to anyone interested in wasting some time :)

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