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skse purple ledge/cliff textures bug


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Last night I redownloaded the vanilla game and DLC and started up a new character. Immediately noticeable was a strange bug involving ledges in the game missing textures, even though I had zero mods installed at the time. The picture attached shows what they look like.


Strangely enough, installing a mod that replaces existing textures didn't fix the issue (I thought that a full HD texture replacer https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2347 would force the game to reference the new texture instead of the missing vanilla one). Does anyone know a good fix for this issue? How can I get the game to read the texture, either vanilla or from the mod?

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i had the exact same problem but it seems its fixed now. idk exactly what i did but ill tell you the steps i took. started game be4 update had installed quite a few mods (lanterns and cave edges where missing textures) reinstaled the lanterns mod it fixed the lanterns but didnt the caves(obviously) tried to instal a 4k hq cave pack, still not fixed, went to work(irl) game updated, game wouldnt launch because skse wasnt updated, updated skse, game still wouldnt launch because bethesda launched another update and skse wasnt up to date, downloaded a backwards compatibility patch from nexus to force my game to go back for the previous version, launch skyrim, now somehow it seems my caves got fixed. my guess its that is some file missing on bethesda servers actually(due to all problems with updating to AE edition) so the backwards compatibility patch was probably what fixed it

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