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Just wanted to warn mod authors...


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His threats ARE empty, and worthless, but if you want to be technical, by placing a disclaimer on a mod description stating clearly that it is your intellectual property, you are - for however much good it may do, I don't know much about the legal system - entitled to sue someone for this kind of behaviour. It's a form of Theft By Taking, IIRC.


Or, if nothing else, statements such as "try this and see where it gets you" are a form of menacing. They're considered threats, which are illegal anywhere you go.


Now, I'm just gonna say right up front, trying to prosecute the fella for something like this is probably a pointless endeavour, as I'm sure you'd just get laughed at by the authorities. However, one thing has to be looked at - if he's making these kinds of threats, who knows what else he may be doing/plotting?


He's obviously among the lowest of Earthly lifeforms, has less intelligence than a pile of rocks, and will never, ever, ever be truly happy in life...


But, he's not worth messing with. While action -can- be taken against him, it's probably not even worth the time and effort it would take. Karma will strike him down, I assure you all. With an attitude like that, it's only a matter of time before he mouths off to someone in real life and gets flattened like the insect he is.

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He, and he's a troll. I think he was banned off of Steam as well. I remember running into him a few times, he trolled the Nexus for a while and then was banned.


As far as copyright goes, I don't think there's a way to fully copyright mods for Skyrim because of the EULA stating that anything created by it is/can be property of Bethesda. So either way, if he sells it, he's screwed. He's selling assets that were pretty much created by the Kit, even if they're handmade textures, models, or animations. That's the way I understood the EULA at least.


But I'd say a good way to protect your work, especially if it's mesh or script work, is make your username embedded in it somewhere where it's not bothersome and it won't conflict with anything.


Correction: the EULA for the Creation Kit refers to 'New Materials'. Quote: ...any materials created using the Editor (the “New Materials”) '. Obviously, meshes, textures and any other content that were created using another editor do not qualify as 'New Materials' for the purpose of the EULA. Consider the legal implications if it was otherwise: for example, CD Projekt granted modders permission to use assets from The Witcher games for modding projects. If Bethesda could claim ownership of everything you create as part of a mod then, theoretically, they would be within their right to claim ownership of proprietary CD Projekt assets in this way.




Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim themselves also has an EULA that states that any modifications for the game cannot be sold. The point isn't copyright, and having trudged through some files, I found the EULA that comes with the game (not the Kit, but the actual game that can be found on the Retail version of the disc prior to activating it through Steam). The one I'm posting is from the Restrictions section of the EULA. Now like I said in the prior post it can be equally disputed either way because you're creating assets that derives from the game assets. You have no right (copyright or not) to sell the mod. I should have specified, however that should be a given due to the original post. My apologies. :wink:



(v) your Modifications must be distributed solely for free. Neither you nor any other person or party may sell them to anyone, commercially exploit them in any way, or charge anyone for using them without a license from the OWNER. OWNER encourages non-commercial distribution of quality Modifications;

Edited by pheo3309
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Obvious troll is obvious. Who's going to buy mods off of him? If he says he's selling mods on an individual/personal basis then it's obviously a lie. If he sets up a site to do it then along comes the Bethesda lawyer cavalry.


Ignore the troll, he's not selling your content, and if he sets up a site to do it then it'll get taken down.


What a failure.


I'm going to lock this thread. Not because it's against the rules but because it's a blatant attempt at trolling that I know some of you will take seriously, when you shouldn't, which feeds the idiot's pathetic sense of self worth. Until such time as you see any wrong-doing simply ignore it. This thread will quickly become the usual internet lawyering, arguing over the EULA, etc. if it's left open, so lets lock it away. Remain vigilant, expect a pathetic troll :smile:


Edit: just to clarify in case it's misinterpreted, I don't mean the OP is the troll, I mean the poster on GameFAQs.

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