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Stop a looping sound with quest stage change


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Hi all


I have a klaxon sound that loops that is triggered by a change in quest stage using a player sets quest stage trigger box. The fragment on the quest stage is :




This uses 2 properties, the sound and a loudspeaker ref as the emitter and works great !


But I want the sound to stop once the quest advances to the next stage and I have been trying to understand the StopInstance function. I have not been able to understand how this 'playback instance' INT works.


Is this right ? Once the sound plays a unique INT (playback instance) is generated ? and then to stop the sound I stop it with reference to the playback instance INT ?


How do I script this in a quest with fragments ?




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You need to store the ID of the sound instance first.


First fragment:

GlobalVariable Property mySoundInstanceGlobal Auto Const
Sound Property KlaxonSound Auto Const
ObjectReference Property Speaker02 Auto Const


Second fragment:

GlobalVariable Property mySoundInstanceGlobal Auto Const
Sound Property KlaxonSound Auto Const
ObjectReference Property Speaker02 Auto Const


If it doesn't work, you can attach a quest script to your quest and use a script variable instad of a global variable:

Scriptname YOURSCRIPTNAME extends Quest

Sound Property KlaxonSound Auto Const
ObjectReference Property Speaker02 Auto Const
Int SoundInstanceID

Event OnStageSet(int auiStageID, int auiItemID)

	;*** First Stage
	If auiStageID == 5
		SoundInstanceID = KlaxonSound.Play(Speaker02) 

	;*** Second Stage
	If auiStageID == 10


Don't forget to change the auiStageIDs.

Edited by LarannKiar
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You cant do it in a script fragment with local variables as the INT needs to be persistent, that needs a quest (or object) attached script.

Scriptname MySoundScript extends Quest 

Sound Property pMySound Auto Const Mandatory
ObjectReference Property pMyObject Auto

Int   iSoundInstance = -1

Event OnStageSet(int auiStageID, int auiItemID)

If (auiStageID == 10) ;stage to turn sound on 
   iSoundInstance =  pMySound.Play(pMyObject)
ElseIf (auiStageID == 20) ;stage to turn sound off
   pMyObject = none


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