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Search for a mod to have 2 or more companions


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Hello. i decide, after years to continue playing this game -and not stay only about things happens to prologue. So now, i choose 12 mods to add to the game. 2 of them are new companions. So i search for a unlimited companion system or something like that. A mod does that. i found a Followers Unlimited Redux mod, but it said this works only with the companions come with this mod.


That's all and i hope someone here know more about that. Thanks.

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I used AFT for a very long time, and had no problems with it, so long as you don't try to use it to control followers like Inigo, who have their own frameworks. That will give you up to 5 active followers at a time, and roughly 30 some "on the books," meaning they keep their outfits and such, and can be summoned if needed.


There is also NPC Party, which is still in beta but allows up to 16 active followers and over 1000 members "on the books." It also serves as a home assignment mod and outfit manager, so you can control the outfits, home, eating and sleeping locations, work and guard points, etc. of over 1000 npcs, whether actively following you or not. You can also create custom AI packages on the fly, so you can tell them exactly how long you want them to do something, and very start and end times, etc. Exceptional mod, though again still in beta.


There is also EFF (Extensible Follower Framework), NFF (Nether's Follower Framework), iAFT (Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks - a slightly different take on the original mentioned above) and a few others, but I am not familiar with them so I can't speak to their dependability or usefulness.


*This is based on use and testing in Special Edition, before the AE update came out. I have no idea what kind of goat rodeo this is going to create for any of these mods, or whether any of them will still work with the update in place.

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