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Mod Idea: JojaMart Online


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I got this idea from MissCoriel's "Investment" mod and aedenthorn's "Mobile Phone" mod and playing a lot of "life simulator" games


An interesting idea for a mod, a computer that is bought from one of the shops, maybe Pierre's or JoJaMart after the bundle missions are complete. One or the other can carry a computer when bought can be placed in the users house and used to do online buying from "JojaMart Online" or maybe "Joja Prime" with next day deliveries..


You can buy seeds, weapons, furniture. Could even expand on the idea and add stuff like a stock market, play games like the arcade games from The Saloon.


Instead of JojaMart going bankrupt after the community center is complete and Pierre and Morris have dialog, Morris can say he "has other ideas! Joja just needs to diversify!". Next day the user gets mail from JojaMart saying "blah blah, Joja is expanding online!"


If the player decides to side with JojaMart, same thing, mail saying "Blah Blah, with JojaMarts new warehouse, we are now offering online shopping!"



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