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Alduin's Rise


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Abdul observed the guards as they approached the gates of Whiterun. They were ominously stoic, their eyes devoid of any soul that their bodies may have once possessed. The stench of the dead could be sensed for miles, but as he had predicted, it was nothing compared to what lied behind those sunken walls.


A little girl, timid, fresh cuts on her cheeks and arms, her hair a dirty and matted mess...she approached Abdul almost immediately, tugging on his thawb, "Please sir...please...I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten in days. Our village...long has it struggled to grow even a single grain. When my parents couldn't pay the taxes...please sir, I implore of you, but a coin will keep me alive for at least another day." Abdul was incredibly touched by the waif's story. He knelt down, pulling a money bag out from beneath his robe and bestowing it the orphan. With his hand entwined with hers, he whispered with heartfelt sympathy, "Inside, you will find one-hundred septiems. Go, quickly. Don't allow the others to see what you have". She looked at him with her big, blue eyes, shimmering in what little light blessed this land. And he could see it, there within them...it was gratitude, but it was much more than that...it was hope. She didn't say a word- she didn't have to. The tears rushing down her eyes as she fled down the street, said everything.


A serious look came over him as he rose to join his companions, who were unsure of where to proceed. "If I may make a suggestion? It would be unwise for all of us to travel together. An impoverished town like this, flushed with the poor and wanting? We already attract enough attention. I say we split up into twos, no more than threes, and see what we can scrounge up." He turned to Sivari especially, and approached her earnestly, "What do you think?"

Edited by Keanumoreira
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(Crud, just realized "fast-talking" wasn't in Sivari's amulet description. God-modding in my own Rp. Sorry guys.)


Sivari's ears flattened as Artago snapped at Tordin, but he had a point. The Nord had guts to want to charge in, and the old man had said that Hevnoraak wouldn't turn down a formal challenge, since he believed he could simply thrall them, but they would most likely be swarmed by Draugr if they sauntered into Dragonsreach. She noded as Edwin suggested the inn. "Cliche as it may sound, this one has found taverns to be excellent sources of information, especially if you manage to cajole a few drunkards deep in their cups into loosening their tongues."


She looked down as a beggar girl began tugging on Abdul's sleeve, her plaintive voice stirring her heartstrings. Sivari had a flash of a memory, when she and her younger sibling were mere kittens, running the streets in whatever town the caravan had stopped in. In lean times, they would beg a bit of money off a kind soul, but thanks to her uncle, the caravan's leader, they were also well-versed in the art of picking pockets or running scams. It was hard to be suspicious of a big-eyed kitten. But every time they came back with a small pouch of coins proudly strapped to Sivari's belt, their mother would sigh sadly and shake her head. While as proud as any Khajiit, she had wanted her children to make an honest living, even though such jobs were few and far between for a race considered pariahs anywhere outside Elsweyr. A pang of guilt ran through her. Maybe now she could finally fulfill the life her late mother had wanted her to.


As Abdul parted with a sizeable sum of money, Sivari looked at him with new respect. Like any feline, sentient or not, she tended to look down upon those who weren't felines. Her companions (even that pointy-eared snob Artago) had begun to win her respect.


She pricked her ears as he suggested splitting up to gather information, and grinned. "You think like a Khajiit." she said, nodding her approval, then looked at the others, her voice hushed. "Tordin, Artago, and Edwin, you can stay together or split up. Try the inn, the plaza, or the residential districts. Abdul, you and I can try that plaza up the stairs. Listen around, gather any information you can on the Priest and his draugr." She tapped the side of her muzzle. "But by all the gods, be careful about it! If you get thrown in jail, there's no guarantee the others can break you out."


(I'll handle controlling NPCs that might have info, unless you would rather do it yourself. I could also give a list of the information they would get if you wish to play the NPCs yourself. I have a general idea of how this will go (DM-ing is fun, but it sure keeps you thinking up new events) but if anyone has an idea for plot twists or extra story bits, feel free to put them up.)

Edited by FennecFyre
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Edwin went straight for the inn which was nearly empty and desolate which wasn't very surprising. Cobwebs and dust decorated the tavern, the tables and chairs were knocked over and broken. The only people that were present was him, the innkeeper (who was sleeping on the job) and around 4 other drunkards who came to drown their sorrows. He picked up a chair, woke up the innkeeper and asked, "Could I have a drink please?" The innkeeper looked up, she was a short nord woman and she looked quite pale . "Right away" she said softly and slowly walked over to a cabinet and took out a bottle of cheap mead. Edwin left the gold on the counter and drank a sip, it tasted terrible. Now to stop lingering around and get to work. This wasn't a good start as the innkeeper looked like she might pass out at any second, and the drunks were glaring at him menacingly. Should he still ask, or just leave?

Edited by twentynine29
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Abdul briefly smiled beneath his hood, unsure of what to say; compliments were rare. He was reminded of a young Argonian he had met shortly after his escape from the Brotherhood. She accompanied him on his travels throughout Tamriel late in his childhood, seeking adventure and mischief. They voyaged to Morrowind, Elseweyr, Valenwood...all but Skyrim, as Argonians didn't much like the cold (indeed, these past few days have been difficult). She was young, she was beautiful, and most of all, she was full of life, a vibrant soul that Abdul admired very much. And it was strange...for somehow, in someway, this Khajiit, this...Sivari, reminded him very much of his dearest friend.


His eyes turned to the steps leading up to the plaza. He turned back and nodded, "I'm ready when you are Sivari."

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(pointy-eared snob huh? I'll remember that lol)


"Listen, we need a plan and this seems to be falling apart, either we charge and almost positively die, or we gather information and let his army build. either way we need a plan, i was thinking cause some distraction or a disturbance, i kill a dragr or two and I blame Azura was trying to abduct my body and soul and turn me against the dragon, worked all the time while I was Dawnguard, who says it wont work here? its worth a shot, and if i dont make it out alive, just remember i want to be burned, not buried...its a long shot but its better than nothing." The Dumner takes off his helmet "Sivari, i apologize for the tavern, should not have taken a bit of your space, Tordin, fight strong and hard my friend, Abdul i believe it was, Ive worked with some fine argonian, but none as quiet as you, and Edwin...after this is over...aybe there will be some fine wine waiting for you." The Dumner puts his helmet on. "For Azura."


(No I'm not dying but I cant have Artago seen as a jerk and we need some action other than bickering, please forgive my god-modding, if you do i wont do it again



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Tordin smiled and tossed his hammer into the air and caught it once more by the handle. He looked to Dragonsreach and then to his companions. They now possessed the element of surprise, if they could get into the keep undetected they could defeat the Priest and in turn defeat his army of undead, but he is likely to have many Cultists at his call and they will not fall so easily.


He remembered the prison of Numinex, the dragon that was captured and held within the keep. There was a large balcony on the northern side of the keep that lead directly to the main hall, the shortest path and likely to be less guarded.


"We should scale the rear balcony... that will put us closest to the main throne room with less guards to defeat." He said calmly, waiting around and gathering information would do nothing and the off chance that someone reports a group of strangers asking questions about the resident priest and the castle would bring the wrath of the Priest down upon them.

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Noticing that things had taken a sudden turn, Abdul attempted to contain the situation. "No, stop! Artago, don't be an idiot. We have no idea who we're dealing with in Dragonsearch. Do you want the entire damn drauger army storming down that hill? And Tordin, if you climb the balcony, you're sure to attract attention. Don't you think that they'd guard where they least expected to be attacked? No one in their right mind would just storm in; they'd take the back door. These people are being enslaved. Why in Oblivion would they report us? If anything, we should rally them on our side. We should get them to fight for us." He turned to Sivari, "Look, the old man saw something in you, something powerful, something unique. That makes you the leader of this group. Please, talk some sense into them!"

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In the same inn as Edwin was in, a bard sat turning the strings of his lute. What few patrons there were looked downcast and broody, and it frustrated him. Before Alduin, Mikael had considered himself one of the better bards, able to make a crowd laugh or weep with his voice and his instruments.


Nowadays, it seemed nothing could be done to lift the their spirits. It's because there's no hope, he mused, tuning a string. Nobody believes Alduin will be defeated. Setting his jaw, he decided to do something about it. He finished his tuning, then stood up.


"This song is one of my personal favorites, a story we all know and love.


Alduin's wings, they did darken the sky.

His roar fury's fire, and his scales sharpened scythes.

Men ran and they cowered, and they fought and they died.

They burned and they bled, as they issued their cries."


"Mikael!" gasped the bartender, fearing he would bring the Draugr in on them. Such songs had been banned by Alduin in order to [revent anyone from getting any ideas. But Mikael sang on.


"We need saviors to free us, from Alduin's rage.

Heroes on the field, of this new war to wage.

And if Alduin wins, man is gone from this world.

Lost in the shadow, of the black wings unfur--"


Whunk! went the potato as it collided with the side of Mikael's face. Groaning, he rubbed his jaw. "Not a fan of that one, Hulda?"

"No, you fool. I don't want those monsters to end up razing my inn to the ground." she snapped, fear masking her usually friendly personality.


Mikael shrugged, sitting down again. It wasn't like he would play that in front of the Draugr when they came to collect taxes.




Sivari blinked in shock as Artago suggested a distraction. "Think for a moment," she cautioned him. "All you would be doing is making a scene." She growled, holding the bridge of her nose. "We need a plan that doesn't end with us both dead and embarrassed." As Abdul implored her to do something, she held her hands up in front her. "Just a moment now. Sivari is no leader, she's a caravan cat for Stendarr's sake." All the same, she had as much to lose as anyone else. She thought of her sister and uncle back in Cyrodiil. What would happen to them if Alduin's armies marched out of Skyrim on the warpath?


She wasn't letting that happen, not while she still drew breath.


"Listen, all of you," she said. "We will gather information as a I said, me with Abdul, Tordin with Artago. When the sun begins to set, we'll regroup here. Using any information we may have gathered, Sivari will case the palace for any potential ways in. Tordin, I will check the balcony as well. The old man said something about Hevnoraak having a phylactery, since he's a lich. When I find a way in, I and whoever thinks they can stay quiet enough will sneak in and attempt to steal it and break it. We destroy the phylactery, and we destroy Hevnoraak. In the meantime, Sivari needs Artago and anyone not on the burglary job to be some sort of distraction." She laid back her ears. "And by 'distraction', I don't mean 'making fools of yourselves'. We said originally we wished to join Hevnoraak, perhaps you can keep talking long enough for us to get the phylactery. When we have it, I'll signal you somehow. Are we all agreed?"


(If there's no back entrance in-game, I'll either just make one up or have them scale the balcony. At this point, it's poorly guarded, since it's only really used by dragons.)

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