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So, vampire ambush (reinforces the sunset thing), death of Artago, dramatic entrance of Teresse to turn the favor. Is this okay Fennec? Does anyone have a problem with this or another idea or something?

Edited by Keanumoreira
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In the actual Lore, Ningheim are basically Valkyries. They are the women of Sovngarde, shield-maidens of Ysgramor. So she would know who Tordin is and most likely be sent to aid him by Ysgramor himself. Tordin is a long dead warrior, a Ningheim is basically a Nordic angel.

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In the actual Lore, Ningheim are basically Valkyries. They are the women of Sovngarde, shield-maidens of Ysgramor. So she would know who Tordin is and most likely be sent to aid him by Ysgramor himself. Tordin is a long dead warrior, a Ningheim is basically a Nordic angel.

(Works for me. Dont expect to order her around though >.>)

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(Yup, dramatic entrance works for me.)


Sivari slipped after Abdul, meeting with the rest of the group at the steps. Under cover of twilight, they made their way up to the palace, pausing at the great double doors. "Just a moment," she said, pressing one pointed ear against the door. "I want to make sure we don't walk in before they're out on the balcony." As she strained to hear, she felt her amulet grow warm again. She blinked in surprise as her nose was flooded once more with the scents of spices and sand, like nighttime in an Elsweyr city. Her hearing seemed to sharpen, and she became acutely aware of noises even she normally couldn't hear. The tense heartbeats of those around her. The water whispering to itself below them. And, within the palace, a large door creaking open, then slamming shut. Then, silence. "Now," she hissed, shouldering open the door. Her fingers curled around her daggers as her eyes pierced through the gloom. The high-ceilinged hall was empty. "If this one were a lich," Sivari muttered to herself, "then where would she keep her phylactery...?"


It turned out to be simpler than she thought. As she peered up at the throne, a small object at the top caught her attention. It resembled an urn, with ornate metal bands holding it in place on top of the throne like claws. "Well, that was easy," she said, pleased. "Seems Hevnoraak is not as clever as we thought he would be." She turned to Abdul and grinned, pointing at her temple. "His brain must be rotted, eh?"


It was precisely this moment when ten black shapes dropped from the rafters to form a circle around them with inhuman grace. Sivari had hardly registered them before the rattle of daggers being drawn from their sheathes surrounded them. "And yet," said one of the figures in a silky-smooth voice, throwing back his hood to reveal red eyes with orange pupils and a split nose, "He was intelligent to outfox you all." He lifted a black-bladed knife, pointing it at them, and smiled, exposing the tips of his fangs. "Checkmate." The vampires charged.

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As Sivari pressed her ears against the great doors of Dragonsreach, Abdul found it considerably difficult to maintain his composure. It was tempting to throw open the doors and charge right in, but such haste would no doubt unravel what they worked so hard to accomplish. Fortunately, he was distracted by the storm, which exercised its terrible strength over Whiterun. While storms could sometimes be sudden in Skyrim, a storm of this magnitude, manifesting as quickly as it did, was no doubt the wicked working of the lich.



Abdul was relieved to see the doors open, but was uneasy to find the hall empty. Great shadows curled up the walls like sinister claws, casting a necrotic air that proved deeply unsettling. He grinned at Sivari's joke, feeling comfortable in her presence. But this moment was shattered when the lich's vampiric court emerged from the shadows, weapons in hand. Somehow, they had uncovered the plot and had prepared beforehand. They charged forward, brandishing swords and daggers, uttering screams and battle cries that would make the blood of even the hardiest Nord run cold. Undeterred, Abdul readied his bow and fired the first arrow into the horde.

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Edwin quickly reacted to the charge by throwing a large fireball at the vampire behind him, sending his scorched body flying off the staircase. Edwin threw another fireball at a vampire to his left, but he was too quick. The vampire dodged his spell and managed to slash his left shoulder. A little bit of blood sprayed out, but it was nothing he couldn't handle. Edwin swung his sword at the one to his right, but this one grabbed his arm and smirked as he stabbed him in the abdomen with a dagger. The vampire then threw him away, leaving the knife still plunged in his torso. The pain was unbearable, he dropped his sword on the ground and collapsed. Time seemed to slow down around as he fell. He let out a loud cry as blood poured out of his body like a river. Edwin frantically crawled towards his sword, while throwing spells at the bloodsucker behind. The vampire laughed before he was about to finish him off. Suddenly, Artago stepped in and decapitated the vampire, effectively saving him. Edwin managed to crawl away far enough to safely heal his wounds. The dunmer looked towards the leader and charged with a furious rage. Artago skillfully fought the vampire squad leader. But just when the Dark Elf was going to deal the final blow, the vampire looked up and lifted Artago in the air with some kind of telekinesis. "You monster!" Artago yelled as he tried to resist. The leader pulled him close enough to plunge his hand into his chest, and violently ripped his heart out. The leader laughed maniacally as he threw Artago's lifeless body aside. The crew was both outmatched and about to die horrible deaths, but something caught Edwin's attention out of the corner of his eye.

Edited by twentynine29
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Abdul was overcome by fear by the sheer numbers of the vampiric horde. To his left, Edwin had suffered multiple wounds, and to his right, he watched in horror as Artago's heart was consumed by one of the vampires, his corpse flung like a rag doll a midst the ensuing chaos. It was like something out of a nightmare.


Acting quickly, Abdul kneeled by Edwin's side, who was attempting to close his wounds. He pulled a salve from his pouch and applied it over his abdomen, remembering what he had done to save his own life, "kindness is easily rewarded." He tugged at his companion's arm, "Up. We don't have time to-." A slimy hand wrapped around his neck, and out of the corner of his eye, he could see a dagger rushing for his throat. Abdul caught the foul beast by the arm before he could land his deadly blow, and with considerable strength, hurled him across the room and into the wall. But there were too many. He had to fight desperately to defend Edwin before he could stand on his own, and with one of them already dead, the odds were against them.


One of the vampires, a lofty Nordic man, waved an enormous battleaxe in the air. He loomed above Abdul, heaving like a psychotic animal. He blocked it with his bow, but not even the power of the Hist could drive it back. His arms shivered, his bones wailed in agony; the vampire grew ravenous. Unable to push the Nord back, Abdul feared for Edwin's life, "Sivari! Tordin! I can't get to Edwin! We have to do something!"

Edited by Keanumoreira
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Leaving someone behind once was unbearable. Leaving them twice shattered a heart beyond repair.

But what would keep a heart together, and not shatter like the skies above? But a kiss? A promise?

And oath everlasting?


The answer to Teresse Angel-Fire was all three. Leaving Kirsi once made her a weak Valkyrie, but her strength regained upon Kirsi coming back. But this time her weakness would not be from seperation, but the Nirn itself. It mattered not to Teresse; the Nine decreed, Shor decreed, and thus she would go.


She hurtled down to Nirn, a falling star, living up to her moniker. By her side was Requiem's Call, the blade giftee to her by Tsun. She felt no heat from falling, felt no cold. But she felt the wind.

How she missed the wind.


Teresse found herself falling down into Dragonsreach. Kynareth had given Teresse her blessing, and now the Fallen Valkyrie was wondering exactly how good of aim Talos truly had. She would have prefered the blessing of Talos, but Kynareth on her side was just as good.

Although Kynareth wouldn't be making her cause horrible damage to a fortress that has stood since Olaf One-Eyed or whoever captured that one dragon.


Wings covering her protectively, Teresse crashed through a weakened spot of the roof close to the doors, going at a slight angle instead of having to waste energy protecting herself through the tiptop to her destination.


In the middle od the entrance hall she knelt, then looked up. Her sword disappeared, and was replaced by twin Nordic swords, which she called Frost and Blaze. Each was inscribed with the element of their name on the blade, and she stood.


Wings out, Teresse flew over and dropped into the middle of the fray, dropping behind the Nord attacking Abdul. She used her momentum to cut his knee to bring him down, then decapitate him.

As the fire outlined her silhouette to the rest, her violet eyes seemed red. The leader actually backed away a half step.

As the battle raged, Teresse spun her blades once each.

"How can one stand when Sovngarde itself demands your fall?"


Launching at the vampire, she kicked up embers with her boot, making it look like she was coming at him in a firestorm. For pure show, it was the image of her charging that she desired.

He raised his blade, already weakened by Artago, and met Frost.

"Who are you?" He seethed, parrying Blazefire with a knife.


Kicking him in the chest, she used that to propel her up and above.



Teresse dived at him, again going for image. Psychological warfare was but one way to win a war; even the undead fear the light.

The two began to parry blows, but he was weak. A fresh warrior, one who came like a demon, was battering him with impressive skill.

Taking his knee out with Frost, Teresse stabbed him in the chest with Blaze.

She spun Frost around and decapitated him, and spun to find herself facing five Vampires.

"May the odds be ever in your favor." She said calmly, her wings folding in. Her armor didn't look very protective, but in reality it was better then Ebony.

As the Vampires charged, so did Teresse.


(Apologies for inevitable typos. My phone trolls me sometimes. I think I caught them all.)

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Tordin strode through the gate, backhanded one of the large doors with his hammer that nearly took it off it's hinges as he entered. The room was a warzone with his companions battling with Vampires. Tordin roared and shouted at a vampire that broke away from the battle and charged him.


'Fus!' The vampire took the wave of pure energy to the chest that took him off his feet, Tordin followed up with a mighty swing of his hammer that caved in the bloodsuckers skull. Lightning jolted from his hammer to his offhand and he flung it at a second vampire that charged him to avenge his fallen friend, the vampire staggered, he drew a dagger and flung it at Tordin but Tordin was prepared, he swatted away the feeble attack and replied by tossing Sahrot Strun Tu at him with full force, when it struck the vampire a bolt of lighting erupted through it, disintegrating the vampire. Tordin quickly scooped up his hammer and called out as a Ningheim descended into the fray.


He silently cursed Tsun for not trusting him in his mission, but the demands of battle were more pressing then the hundred of questions he had for the Ningheim.


"Form up!" He yelled over the roar of the battle as he grappled with a Vampire, he tore the shield from the vampires grasp and kicked the creature away.

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