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Alduin's Rise


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(*Xion finally appears after a long day of working and watching the X-Files* Mulder? Mulde - wait, wrong place! *grabs Skyrim hat* Ok!


Besides the bumping into her idea, my char, Teresse...


Essentially my char was going to be a Hero of Sovngarde turned Valkyrie of Shor and sent down to assist those opposing Alduin, as Kynareth percieved trouble. Teresse (my char) is dispatched to Whiterun at the rumors of some fighting, in attempts to find out if other rebels are currently hiding. She'd have the same dream except not heed it, as Kynareth held her back.


This would explain 1.) Where her amulet came from (DIVINES KNOW EVERYTHING) and 2.) why she suddenly appears out of the blue with more backstory then "Hey, we're gonna go fight Alduin." "Sounds good." or aka asking any follower to follow you xD


Edit: here's my char. Things are of course up to changes, but at least there's something to start from!


Username: Xion136

Name: Teresse Angel-Fire

Gender: Female

Race: Ningheim (nckname for Nords chosen by the Nine).

Age: Undetermined, but appears 19-22.

Personality: Teresse is a complex person. She can be shy and somewhat calm, but when angered can unleash a typhoon. Always drawn to the side of good, and the Divines, Teresse has clashed with many Daedra worshipers as well as the Dark Brotherhood. Her distaste for evil and her determination to help people led her to end up giving her life for her friends, and will never hesitate to sacrifice herself if there is no other way.


Strengths: A powerful Valkyrie, but limited while outside Sovngarde, she does not rely on magic to fight. Where her magic really lies in the enchantments and abilites of her Valkyrie form. Her sword abilities are impressive, only made better by being a Valkyrie. But these strengths do come with a price, as does all great power. She excels in Sword & Shield and Dual Wielding, able to switch fighting forms easily. The one spell she uses mainly is Forever Fall - it's essentially a magic storage space where she keeps her shield, extra weapons, condoms, you know. That stuff.

Ethereal Shift: Her Ningheim blood gives her the ability to teleport within her sightline, and only a set distance. teleporting across a town square is easy; teleporting to the top of High Hrothghar? Impossible. Every teleportation makes her tired, and the longer the distance, the worse it becomes. Used too much and she could fall unconcious from fatigue.

Winged Valkyrie: Prolonged flight with a ceiling height of Dragonsreach's spire. Not usable outside Valkyrie form, making this ability fall under the 3 minute (or 3 posts for forumming to make it easier) limit she can be in Valkyrie mode without dying.


Weaknesses: her Valkyrie form can kill her in the mortal realm; it's power erodes her life force, and if overused, will kill her. While this seems somewhat impossible, considering she is already dead, she was sent by the Nine Divines to help defeat Alduin. Her power is also limited outside the realm of Sovngarde.

But her restricted access to the abilities she had whilst in Sovngarde are not truly her greatest weakness. She retained her impressive combat abilites, but what she also retained was her fatal flaw: She can't allow her friends to die. If tha were to happen, Teresse would spiral into a depression that would leave her unable to fight, for what could be for good. This flaw can be easily manipulated into giving up her very life.


Regular clothes



Valkyrie form



History: Born in Solitude at an undetermined age as a normal Nord girl, Teresse had no last name. She was merely Teresse, and was abused. Beaten and humiliated by her father and harassed by her mother, Teresse ran away from home and ended up in Riften. She crawled into the Drunken Huntsman to find herself looking up at a pair of nicely shaped female legs. She looked higher and found herself looking at a dark-haired, pointy-eared girl named Kirsi. The girl-elf-thing (which she later found out was a subsect of elves called Tolkiens*) nursed her back to health. Finding the young girl beaten and with signs of abuse that were obviously not done by bandits (Like her hymen intact and face and arms and legs not touched), Kirsi nursed her back to health and took her on as a companion.


Accepting, the two were joined by a loyal group of people and went on a most excellent adventure.


As the years passed, the twelve year old Teresse became the nineteen year old that begged Kirsi for her hand in marriage. Flattered, the two had this thing going on for years, and the others in their group always teased them mercilessly at it. Some thought mother-daughter, but one, Sara, saw the look Teresse gave Kirsi.

On her twentieth birthday, not only was Teresse married...but the unthinkable happened.


They were riding back to Solitude, where Teresse had taken over her family's home, when what seemed as if the entire Dark Brotherhood descended upon them. Teresse had led their band into the Dawnstar Sanctuary three years ago, slaughtering the assassins like the dogs they were.Their crime? The murder of Kirsi's friend Sarasta.

The Band thought they slaughtered the entire chapter of them in Skyrim, but more came. The band fought bravely, but one by one they were subdued.


And, as the leader raised a sword, ready to behead Kirsi, when Teresse felt a fire surge through her. Blessed by the Nine Divines, Teresse was a Ningheim, and her blood boiled. Ethereal Shifting out of her bonds and behind her foe, she used what little strength she had to use a Ningheim's deadliest ability: Soul ignition.


As the Dark Brotherhood assassins were set ablaze, Teresse collapsed. Her lifeforce draining, she stood to a knee to watch as her very soul consumed her lifeforce.


She kissed Kirsi goodbye, and died.



Arriving at Sovngarde, Teresse found herself at Shor's Throne. Warmth covered her, and she felt herself encased in armor and bearing four wings. She was shocked, but knew what responsibility had fallen upon her - to be a Valkyrie of Shor and ensure Sovngarde remained safe for all those who died wth honor.


But this duty did not remain forever, as she had originaly thought. As Alduin took power and Paarthurnax weaved his scheme, Shor sent the Fallen Valkyrie to Skyrim.

Faction: Valkyrie of Shor


Equipment - two Nordic Swords, Nordic Bow, and her sword, Heavenfell (pictured in the Valkyrie armor pic).


* = a small joke. I use an elf follower mod that has elves like from LOTR. Forgot the name of the mod, but I only use one, Kirsikka. She's my favorite <3

Edited by Xion136
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(First off, I definitely like your style of writing. But, wellll, I don't know about having a noncanon race in the thread (or another undead warrior, but since I saw the PM first I mentioned that there). I don't want to stifle anyone's creativity, but I really want to stay fair. She might also need to be nerfed a little bit, so she wouldn't be too much of a Mary Sue. I think we'll do this democratically, and let the others decide.


Mac, 29, Keanu, what say you?

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(Maybe you can just change the race to a Nord but keep your current appearance as it is. I have mixed feelings with the Valkyrie form. They don't appear in the Elder Scrolls lore but they do play a large role in Norse Mythology which Skyrim and the Nords are heavily based on. Just remove a few abilities and it might be OK. After all, Valkyries are supposed to be weaker outside of Sovngarde right?)

Edited by twentynine29
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(She is considerably weaker in power but not skill. I honestly dunno how to nerf her any more. As for Ningheim, the lore of the race is a Nord or Nede specifically chosen by the Nine. So technically she's not a "noncanon" race but more of a canon race under a noncanon name with a neat ability I added drawbacks to for fairness. The entire thing is up in the air and I putnit here so we all could work on it :) there's no I in team after all.


Edit: I added some small details to better explain things, as wll as adding why I put an Asterik next to Tolkiens. I also removed all mention of Elisif and made them <INSERT TASK> so we all can fill in the blanks :) and last but not least, i added a bit more nerfing to Etheral Shift as well as clarifying that her Valkyrie form outside of Sovngarde is weaker then it really is. It would be like, a notch above the power of a Vampire Lord but not insanely overpowered like any undead hero can risk becoming. I also am/have added her ability for prolonged flight (depending on when you read the bio) and gave her a ceiling height. Not as high as dragons naturally.)

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I'm not really sure. Even as the character is now, she's incredibly more powerful than the rest of us combined (even more so than Tordin). I like the Valkyrie idea; it's not official in Skyrim lore, but it was hinted at. I think that part is okay, but as a background. By that, I mean, on Nirn, I think her character should be as mortal as the rest of us, and take on a mortal race, just to fulfill those obligations while outside of Sovengarde. The teleportation, I don't see a problem with, but the summoning of Valkyries seems a bit unfair. Like I said before, one seems to be more powerful than the rest of us. To have three seems like a small army of its own.



That's all I really have to say on that. I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything. I like your character a lot, and I have to admit (lest I be hypocritical), that I overdid it when I first made Abdul. I stepped away from a bit, came back, and told myself "it's a bit much..." So I tuned it down a bit. Like I said, I like your character- you have a great imagination -, but I agree with 29 that maybe you should tweak it just a bit more...



But all in all, it's great to have you aboard. :)

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I'm not really sure. Even as the character is now, she's incredibly more powerful than the rest of us combined (even more so than Tordin). I like the Valkyrie idea; it's not official in Skyrim lore, but it was hinted at. I think that part is okay, but as a background. By that, I mean, on Nirn, I think her character should be as mortal as the rest of us, and take on a mortal race, just to fulfill those obligations while outside of Sovengarde. The teleportation, I don't see a problem with, but the summoning of Valkyries seems a bit unfair. Like I said before, one seems to be more powerful than the rest of us. To have three seems like a small army of its own.



That's all I really have to say on that. I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything. I like your character a lot, and I have to admit (lest I be hypocritical), that I overdid it when I first made Abdul. I stepped away from a bit, came back, and told myself "it's a bit much..." So I tuned it down a bit. Like I said, I like your character- you have a great imagination -, but I agree with 29 that maybe you should tweak it just a bit more...



But all in all, it's great to have you aboard. :)

(You aren't being a jerk. Honestly I knew the idea was going to come off as overpowered, that was why I was toying with her abilities and giving her drawbacks. The summoning part was so she could show her selfsh side, as thr one she'd summon to her side is Kirsi 99.99% of the time. I'll keep toying around with theIidea, but I'll throw out the summoning ability.


And for clarification: she is a mortal race. She is a born and bred Nord. "Ningheim" is a moniker given to a Nord or Nede blessed by the Nine Divines. In the spirit of fairness I removed all of her abilities minus Ethereal Shift, and furthered her nerfing by forcing her to be a mortal while on Nirn - she can honestly die like any other; she's not invincible outside of Sovngarde, I never tried to make her as such. Any more feedback and spitballing is welcome - just helps me learn new waYys to get what I want but make sure it'snot breaking the game :D )

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(I think it's good for now, then. I say that if we end up running into an issue or someone does begin to feel that she's too overpowered, we'll just deal with it then. As for her task, maybe they just sent her down to kick Alduin's scaly tail like Tordin?


Okay, plot-discussion time now. So. Our merry little band is outside Dragonsreach. Hevnoraak's on the balcony with a dragon and his guards. There's an ambush waiting inside, which will give Artago his awesome dramatic death, but nobody knows that IC yet. So how are we to bring in Teresse? Maybe she's been watching the group and approaches them when she sees them at the doors?


Also, let's make it sunset, just because attacking mid-day doesn't seem right.)

Edited by FennecFyre
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I was thinking that because the vampires know that the crew is coming to Dragonsreach, they could inform Hevnoraak about their plan, and turn it into a trap. Artago dies and Teresse jumps in and helps save the day. What do you think?

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