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Abdul was taken back a bit by what Sivari had said, but she had a point. For reasons he still didn't understand, they were in this together. He looked at her as she spoke, which was with confidence and sagacity. She didn't believe herself to be a leader, but despite considering her argument, Abdul felt that of everyone in the group, she was the most capable. It's hard to disagree with sound reasoning, so the Argonian said nothing; he only nodded and hoped that the others would listen.

Edited by Keanumoreira
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"I was born for this" Edwin said. He was definitely wanted to be on the distraction team. People have said before that he had a silver tongue, and was generally very good with speech. This trait was common among Breton noblemen who often bicker about politics on a daily basis, they weren't just good at magic. Edwin could be capable enough to keep that priest distracted for longer than the time needed.

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"Well what ever we are doing we need to do it fast." Artago takes off his amulet "Azura, I am not the man who needs your protection, I am a simple ore miner. The children and poor people of this city need your protection from these foul beasts."

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Tordin growled, he hated this waiting to attack. An indistinct anger flared within him, sparks began to jolt from his hammer towards him and back and forth for a few seconds until he suppressed his anger. He looked to the argonian and the khajiit.


"Fine, we will do it your way.... I am headed for the tavern, call on me when you are ready to attack." He growled as he walked past and headed for the Bannered Mare.

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One of the people Artago was questioning looked up at him, bleary-eyed. "Now why would you want to get closer to that place?" he asked in a thick Nordic accent. "It's only the home of evil now."




"Right, then." said Sivari decisively. "Abdul, let's go." She turned and began walking up the steps, waiting briefly for her Argonian companion.


The cloud district had a kind of weary beauty, even now. The plaza was ringed by a small channel of water, and in the center was an enormous, leafless tree. A few people milled about, speaking quietly or simply sitting alone. As she entered the plaza, her attention was held by the tree and so she ended up bumping into a well-dressed Redguard. "Oh, pardon me." she said distractedly. The Redguard hmphed snobbishly. "It seems they're letting anyone into the Cloud District these days."


Sivari rolled her eyes as he walked away, but let him go. "Let's try there." she said to Abdul, pointing to a building. "It has the look of a temple about it. Perhaps we can find information there."


As she opened the door, an irate female voice greeted them. "I don't care what Hevnoraak says, I already paid my taxes this month and I'm not paying a Septim more. You can take his 'tax increase' and shove it up your shriveled, undead--" As the speaker, a Nord, stalked into view and saw that the two newcomers were indeed not Draugr, she stopped, appearing mortified. "I-I'm sorry. I thought you were-"

"The Draugr?" finished Sivari. "Yes, you don't seem to like them very much.

The woman snorted. "I'll say. Them and the Dragon Priest. They've been taxing us all so hard that I don't even know how I'll be able to keep the temple afloat."

"That bad?" she asked, recalling the Redguard.

"Not everybody seems to be suffering as much." Her voice dropped. "If you ask me, I think it's because there's more than a few people here who are in Hevnoraak's pocket. He has spies, I just know it. Someone says something against him, and that person disappears."


(Most of the people around Whiterun, especially canons from the game, will know something about the Priest. Feel free to put them in your post, I'll handle NPC-ing them.)

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Also in the Cloud District, Edwin took notice of a wooden building to the right of the lifeless tree. There was an old man sitting in front of it. "What is this hall used for?" The old man turned to him. "This is the great mead hall Jorrvaskr, home of the companions". "Who are the companions?" Edwin asked. "They were the greatest warriors on all of Nirn. They could take down an entire army within an hour. But they couldn't defeat the draugr though. Many were killed in the initial invasion. The survivors are still in there though." Edwin was intrigued by this, they would certainly be helpful.
"May I ask your name?" He asked. "Vignar Gray-Mane" the old man replied. "I was the oldest of the Companions."

Suddenly, they heard a loud shouting noise. There was a man in robes who was standing in front of an old statue. "Hear me! I have had enough of the tyranny caused by that dusty old priest! We must end this oppression now! I Heimskr, will end the reign of Hevnoraak! Who wishes to join me!?" The onlookers backed away from him, shocked by his words. Two draugr pushed through the crowd. Without a word, the draugr proceeded to beat the big mouthed man senseless until one of the draugr drew his sword and gruesomely cut his tongue out. "Move along" said the draugr and continued their patrol, leaving the man laying on the ground screaming in pain.

"Foolish Heimskr, he was always an annoying moron" Vignar said. "May I come into Jorrvaskr?" Edwin asked. "Go ahead, but the others are pretty suspicious and are more than willing to kill you if you make a wrong move". Edwin walked into Jorrvaskr, but was greeted by a sword at his throat. A sly Nord woman with face paint pointed a sword at him. "Who are you, and why are you here, how do I know you aren't a spy?" the woman asked. "I'm not here to hurt anyone beautiful." The woman slapped him hard across the face. "Call me that again and I will collect your head." Vignar peeked through the door. "He's telling the truth, put your sword down." The woman cautiously lowered her blade. "I am Aela the Huntress and these are the Companions." Behind her were at least three other men. "I'm Edwin, I need your help" Edwin replied fearfully. "For what?" she asked." I need to know about Hevnoraak"

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Abdul nodded, relieved that things had calmed down a bit, and anxious now that things were finally moving along. He tried his best to focus on the matter at hand, but he found himself unusually uneasy. A chill ran through his veins and his hands felt clammy. "What is happening to me?" he wondered when Sivari suddenly ran into a Redguard nobleman in the middle of the street. She promptly apologized for her carelessness, but to be honest, Abdul wasn't exactly paying quite as much attention as he should of been either. The Redguard walked away indignantly, as if Savari had wronged him somehow. When she wasn't looking, he grabbed the nobleman by the arm, "the woman apologized"; Abdul threw him to the ground in disgust, "the aristocracy is all the same, fiddling away your Septiems and ignoring the common man. Pick yourself up Redguard..." he turned to follow Sivari into a nearby building, "you're too dignified for the dirt."



As they were rudely greeted by a Nordic woman, who had mistaken them for the Drauger, Abdul noticed as a man in the corner began eyeing them. Abdul faced the Nord, pretending to be engaged in a conversation between her and Sivari, when the word "spy" was mentioned. From the corner of his eye, Abdul noticed a subtle change in the man's behavior; it was enough to arouse the Argonian's suspicions.


He approached the counter and leaned in just enough where the both of them could hear him, "keep your voices down, but you see that man over there? Khajiit, black fur, dressed to maintain a low-profile?" He turned to see if the man was looking, "I think we're being watched..."

Edited by Keanumoreira
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Tordin walked into the Bannered Mare, the tavern was practically empty, except for the barmaid and a pair of drunken Nords sitting at the far end of the tavern. Tordrin threw his cloak over his shoulder and sat at the bar. The woman approached him with a mug of Nord Mead, Tordin quickly scooped it up and chugged it down. It tasted bitter and foul, much of it's contents were rotten. He threw the half-full mug aside and placed a large gold piece on the counter.


"Your best stuff and keep it coming." He growled, the barmaid quickly scooped up the coin and uncorked a bottle of Stros M'kai rum and poured it for him. He drank the cool and smooth amber liquid slowly, relishing in it's taste.


The two Nords looked at Tordin, he had gold and they outnumbered him. One drew a dagger and then other clinched his fists as they stood and approached. Tordin heard the creak in the floorboards as they snuck up behind him. Tordin placed another two gold pieces on the counter and drew his hammer, with a whirling backhand he struck the first Nord with a resounding thunderclap the sent the murderous Nord flying through the door with a loud crash and a shower of wood splinters. His body rolled like a ragdoll down the steps and struck the well with a sickening crack and fell limp. The nord with the dagger swung it at Tordin, Tordin stepped back and struck him with a solid headbutt that laid him out.

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