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Pixelated Lips


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I can't seem to find a fix to this issue.

Whenever I make an SKSE.ini file and add the line "iTintTextureResolution=2048" I get pixelated lips on only my female Nord and female Imperial races.

I checked the tintmasks for the lips under character assets and they are all 2048x2048.

This issue does not happen on any other race as other races have perfectly smooth lips.


Is there any of place that I should look for certain files that might be causing this?


Here is a screenshot to show the pixelated lips.



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  • 10 months later...

I have this same issue. I have my SKSE.ini set up with iTintTextureResolution=2048, and I have tried several different HD tintmasks, but Nord and Imperial female lips are always pixelated regardless of the mod.

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Im having this issue as well, Im using Mod Organizer and looking for a solution.


I used hd lips and it did not fix issue for me.


The issue is specifically only effecting Nord and Imperail race lips, all other tintmasks and races appear fine...Its the old blocky lips pre modded fuggliness.


I think there might be a mod in the load order that might be effecting the lips but not sure.

Edited by gamefever
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  • 4 years later...

I'm having the exact opposite problem. Only my Altmer, Dunmer, and Bosmer are having this issue. Honestly, I'm wondering if EEO is the problem bc I recall having this issue with it before. If anyone else has had the this issue, I would like some help if it could be provided. I love the elves but I'm not keen on playing with a character that has pixelated lips. It throws off the aesthetic I create for her (Usually play as a girl bc the mods are better and I get to live vicariously through many of my own characters that I throw into Skyrim).

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