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acrfxd - BANNED

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acrfxd banned.





Multiple account abuse as evidenced by site usage data and profile information

Abuse of the reporting system by falsely accusing another member of wrongdoing, attempting to bring shame to the said member – via multiple accounts

Attacking the said member and starting an argument with her/him on another member’s mod page (flame baiting)

Aggressively belittling and attacking other members and their contents via multiple accounts

Spamming another member’s mod page by repeatedly posting questionable remarks on the same subject via an alternate account

Falsely and publicly accusing Nexus staff of being biased




captinprocat, join date 22-February 2014, 5:40PM, last active 30 December 2020, 12:01AM

acrfxd, join date 17-April 2020, 4:16AM, last active 16 November 2021, 12:30 AM




Report via the account acrfxd 22 August 2020 - 07:09 PM


Dear Nexus,

*username* has been VERBALLY ABUSING, Others who critise their mods.

Falsley claiming people are "TROLLS" becuase they cannot view their download Status from their Post.

They made a falsified name on their mod, And claimed anyone who pointed it out that them wrogfully claiming their mod which simply a changed up version of someones mod is not a "SPEICAL RESHAD WHICH IS REAL HDR" is a "TROLL, LIAR, ATACKER OF MODERATORS LIARS" There was 5+ People who done nothing wrong and simply pointed out the name of their name is wrong, and is wrongfully informing those who download it, Never did i see anyone trolling, Originally in his description and post he said "IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE NAMING OF MY POST WE CAN DEBATE) So they knew the title was wrong or at least questionable right from the get go then claimed in the discussion everyone who critised the reshade is a "TROLL LIAR LIAR, DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HDR" And was speaking down on others who did and said nothing wrong" This is nothing short of them personally Atacking Others, And i mean this, as they banned and blocked anyone who gave feedback and critised it at all, Outside of one comment of a user they slandered and humilated by misrepresenting, They also Stood by and said "THANKS FOR BACKING ME UP" To a user that was LITTERALLY using "SPERG" As a personal Insult, I am not offended easily but using a BY BIRTH INLESS, which makes lots of families kill themselfes by having hellish lifes via caring duties and also making the lifes of those with it often miserable and the fact most would not be here anyway means they are simply using disabilities as an excuse to berate/Bully others. I have never ever seen a mod creator this abusive for, Not entirley sure if this breaks your rules, But i want to bring it to your Attention,




Report via the account captinprocat 29 December 2020 - 10:10 PM and 10:11 PM


Continues TO FALSLEY ban people for contructive feedback after asking for it.

It seems they have remained unpunished for the abusive Rampage in which they praised someone calling others "RETARDED" The mods have seeminly Unpunished said individual despite them POINT BLANK abusing users and breaking the rules, Soley because they are a popular modder?

This is insane.

How much will this creator continue to abuse the speical treatment they have been given?

They very well could end up driving someone to sucide with their abuse.



Comments via the account acrfxd


22 August 2020 - 06:18 PM (wall of text)


Then of course *username*, You make an inferior version of this shader (In my opinion) Gave it a bogus Name, Verbally Atack anyone who critises it, And then class it as "REAL HDR" Which is incredibly Bizzare, because there is no such thing as "FAKE HDR" let alone "REAL HDR" HDR, IS HDR, and using an overley Does not change this, There is no debate, you just created (In my opinion) an inferior version of this shader right here, It is not even a different style its just has less clarity, Then Proceed to Atack anyone who holds this opinion and presents in a polite manor,


Even Ignoring that opinion, You also banend and abused people who liked your shader but just asked for its disingenous name to be changed. You originally claimed you would "DEBATE" people who questioned the name and said "THEY WOULD BE WRONG ANYWAY" meaning you never had any intent to poltiley defend your name, You knew it was wrong otherwise you would have never felt the need to say thatand you quickly changed the post to be defensive, and insinuated insults to ANY AND ALL, who dare to say otherwse, and point out a blatant false title, That has nothing to do with "UNDERSTANDING HDR" This is a reshade, you and called it "TRUE" Which refers to Real or legitimate, HDR, when it actually just mimicks HDR, Which means your title is UNDENIABLE, Wrong, No level of "HDR KNOWLEDGE" Required. No one called you a liar, people just showed the truth, if you think that makes you a liar, it tells you something.



NOTE: After pointing out Vangaurd Verbally abused someone for critising his reshade, and he blocked other for Critising the MOD, outright, Claiming everyone who did not like the Falsified labeling of the real shade "KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT HDR" " IS A TROLL AND A LIAR" Then of course they did not block someone for calling others "SPERGS" In other words they are a bully, the only "GRINDSTONE" Vangaurd has is innocent people who never insulted or trolled him at any point and time and just gave correct feedback.


Glad people have caught him out and now know who they really are, Sorry *username* Blocking me wont stop me from speaking out, Going onto your page, Trailing your mods and pointing out what you already know, That you do not want others to know.

You and BlueBunny are not one in the same, They built this from scratch, And take feedback,

You Lied and bullied Those who simpyl stated critisms of your reshade, And gone as far to back and cover up one of your defenders "BACKING YOU UP" To paint you in a good light, Your aboslutley Vile, And thank god 20+ People have not baught it.

Edited by acrfxd, 22 August 2020 - 07:36 PM.



22 August 2020, 08:40 PM (wall of text)


Kind, Response from BlueBunny, to a slightly rude comment that presents an opinion as a fact.

Then you have "Vangaurd," Who Blocked and Bullied someone for saying

"In my opinion i do not think this looks good compared to the base game it looks washed out.

And a user who said

"This is not "TRUE HDR" as a reshade is not real hdr.


Both polite statements, One opionated. The other factual,.

*username* launched an abusive rampage i have never seen from a mod creator "TROLL THEY ARE LAIRS! THEY KNOW NOTHING"

Absolute Bile. Then of course they tried to say they where the same as "Bluebunny" Who takes feedback and clearly does not abuse others, Like Vangaurd, Such a shame, Most are downloading that mod now compared to this soley out of name, Vangaurds is not "Another style" It just has less clarity, and a named up title which is blatantly False,


I feel bad that good modders on this site are being oversahdowed by abusive ones

This was not the case of vangaurd banning entitled people "DEMANDING" that it be better,

But nice kind innocent people, who said nothing wrong.

If anyone is browsing through reshades, Use this, I can promise your NOT MISSING out compared to *username*s mislabeled Reshade by using this, in fact this is alot better.,

Edited by acrfxd, 22 August 2020, 08:42 PM.



22 August 2020, 08:43 PM

Your "Grindstone" Is Atacking Innocent People *username*.

Multiple Times, Repeatly Without remorse, simply because they gave POLITE feedback on your reshade.

And Endorsing someone who atacked users who politley disagreed with your mod title AS "SPERGS" and thanked them.

Your admitting its a reshade, yet you incorrectly call it REAL HDR. (True means real)

Edited by acrfxd, 22 August 2020, 08:56 PM.


22 August 2020, 09:24 PM

Your "Setup" ***** is a falsley Titled Reshade,

It also involves thanking someone for calling those who politley Critised your reshade as "Spergs"



16 November 2021, 12:30AM

If you enjoy marxist extremism and strawmanning.

LGBT organisations have nothing to do with gay rights. Saying this as a bi man, the creator spreads misinformation via strawmanning. Nexus mods allow it but would ban anyone with any opposing view points.


16 November 2021, 12:30AM

So thats what it really is about...

Not gay rights...


16 November 2021, 12:31AM

Gay rights and LGBT organisation are not mutually exclusive

- A Bi man that has nearly been killed by lunatics and marxists extremists who claim that LGBT organisations is directly correlated to gay rights.


16 November 2021, 12:32AM

If you like marxists strawmanners that falsify LGBT organisations which is where these fake flags come form that have litterally done nothing for gay rights and everything for marxism. Try opposing them as a bi or gay man and see what happens. They will try and kill you.


16 November 2021, 12:28AM (wall of text)


No one is holding a gun to my head to use or download it.

That does not change the fact that this this is poltical Propaganda which you would not accept if it was in regards to any other narative that did not fit your own on the basis of your site rules. Nexus is getitng poltical again and just lke how they are stripping away the rights of modders it will be their downfall. Steam workshop will replace nexus mods soon. Good riddance.

- A bi man that has nearly been beaten and killed bloody by the orgs that created these fake flags.

This has nothing to do with gay rights.



16 November 2021, 12:28AM

To silence fact speakers? This does not represent gay rights despise the strawman from nexus mods or the OP. I have nearly been killed by the orgs who created these fake flags despise being bi, on the basis i disagreed with their extremism, that of course has nothing to do with gay rights.


16 November 2021, 12:28AM

Marxists who care more about pushing extremism than games, are indeed predictible.

I have nearly been killed by the orgs pushing these fake flags for being BI, Likely going to be silenced by nexus mods to fit their agenda. They force "Silence" On any other poltical issue. This has nothing to do with gay rights and everything to do with poltical Propaganda and lies on nexus.


16 November 2021, 12:38AM (wall of text)


Yep, the orgs responsible do indeed know what marxism is, and they admit to it proudly, Your copy pasta rhetoric can be debunked in seconds flat, with the same Vaush talking points based on Gaslighting and lies. They have been debunked more than you mouthbreathers can fire tantrums, One requires effort and the other does not, You failed to state what book i should read, Another Marxist Propaganda book imagine, your inability to define one is clear you are once again trying rhetoric, and it has failed. No argument no defence, because you do not have one and simply hate your ideology being properly idenitifed. Go on, Use another invalid langauge technique, outside of that tactic all you have is book burning, Building BUrning and trying to murder others, Your behavior reveals your true identity. You have no other tactics.



16 November 2021, 12:39AM (wall of text)


Yep, the orgs responsible do indeed know what marxism is, and they admit to it proudly, Your copy pasta rhetoric can be debunked in seconds flat, with the same Vaush talking points based on Gaslighting and lies. They have been debunked more than you mouthbreathers can fire tantrums, One requires effort and the other does not, You failed to state what book i should read, Another Marxist Propaganda book i imagine, your inability to define one is clear you are once again trying rhetoric, and it has failed. No argument no defence, because you do not have one and simply hate your ideology being properly idenitifed. Go on, Use another invalid langauge technique, outside of that tactic all you have is book burning, Building BUrning and trying to murder others, Your behavior reveals your true identity. You have no other tactics.



16 November 2021, 12:43AM (wall of text)


"Lol" is not an argument

"Read a book" Is not an argument

Violence, Book burning and censorship is not an argument.

You do not have one as you cannot defend your extremism being idenitifed. You hate it when your victims that are aware of what your marxist ideology represents speak out. The moment blacks speak out against your movements that have never supported them, you lash out call them uncle toms, N words "FAKE BLACKS" the whole book of abuse, the moment bi gay or trans individuals speak out about how they where nearly killed by these organisation speak out you call him "SELF HOMOPHOBOBES" and every abusive slur in the book. Outside of abuse and violence you have nothing. No not a "FEW PEOPLE" the entire body of the organisation moves to atack the moment anyone critises their policies that have nothing to do with gay rights. Your attempt to strawman, Lie, Gaslight manipulate, Bully is all you have outside of burning down buildings, Violence and deadly assault. Your behavior speaks for itself. You can silence us, online buddy, but your victims are never going to stop fighting. You cant gaslight us in real life. Morality will win. The moment the systems supporting your abuse and crime collapse, you will fall as well.






Comment via the account captinprocat 29 December 2020 - 10:06 PM


"Feedback is welcome and encouraged"

But you have gone on a banning rampage against innocent people such as acrfx that have gave helpful/Contructive Feedback in the past so thats just a blatant lie? You told people you would be happy to discuss something with them then banned them when they braught it up... You did this to multiple people who done absolutley no wrong.


This is a fact of your actions you cant change or hide no matter how much banning you do. You have NEVER been able to take critism and have jailbaited people into giving it WHEN YOU ASK THEM TO, Then ban, Just to spite/Hurt innocent people. Nexus Mods seem to be giving you speical protections so you will continue. You also Praised someone that was spewing Slurs against the disabled. Just to get some sort of quick kick out of people being born with disabilities? What the hell?

Edited by captinprocat, 29 December 2020 - 10:15 PM.






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